Chapter 6: Euphoria*

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*Warning: this chapter will contain mature content. If you are not comfortable reading it, then please skip it.

Jungkook felt like his heart was going to break out of his chest from how heavily it pounded against its cage. Even though he was beyond elated to be kissing Jordan, the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach just would not go away. It rested there until it finally forced him to pull away from her, taking with it his momentary bliss. He could tell that Jordan was slightly irritated as she looked up at him, waiting for an explanation.

He nervously bit his lip, trying to read into the situation as they stood in front of her bedroom, but Jordan was someone who was not easy to read... at least, not for him. He didn't know her as well as Namjoon probably did, so he struggled with trying to discern the emotion that lay hidden behind her eyes.

He could've sworn he caught a glimpse of pain, but it disappeared fairly quickly as her piercing gaze returned. Numerous thoughts ran through his mind, and he needed clarification. He knew that something must have happened in order for her to change her mind, especially since she made it clear the last time they spoke that this would never happen.

He finally mustered up the courage to ask her the questions that rattled around in his head, deciding that he wouldn't go any further... at least, not until he had answers. "Are you okay? You sure this is what you really want?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," she breathed out, his sweet consideration causing the irritation to easily melt away. A small smile took over her lips as her fingers gently brushed against his biceps before trailing up towards his neck, finally settling into his hair. She lightly tugged on the strands, pulling him closer while her lips were now brushing against his. He noticed how she still didn't answer the first question, but decided not to push any further since it appeared to be a sensitive topic. "No feelings, just physical, right?" she confirmed.

Jungkook couldn't deny the way her words stung, his heart stuttering slightly as it felt the lashes from those five words. It reminded him of why he was in her apartment, and he couldn't help but feel stupid for even suggesting this idiotic idea in the first place. But damn... staring into those bright eyes of hers that were unknowingly luring him in, he couldn't deny the pull that he felt towards her. The faint feeling of her lips against his didn't help either, clouding his judgement as he wondered what it would feel like to kiss her again, to feel her skin against his.

He took a deep breath before slowly nodding his head, easily giving into her as her lips met his again. He felt his heart pick up in pace again, thudding heavily against his chest as she slowly started to guide them into her room. She had him in the palm of her hand and she didn't even know it.

Her fingers untangled from his locks before reaching for the buttons on her shirt, pulling away from the kiss as she fumbled with unbuttoning the material, eager to get rid of it.

Jungkook's eyes followed her fingers but got momentarily distracted when his line of vision shifted towards the large coffee stain on her shirt. He felt a small smile tug on his lips and really wanted to tease her about it, but refrained from doing so. Instead, he settled on biting his lip, keeping his thoughts to himself since he didn't want to ruin the mood. His eyes continued to follow her movements, watching as she revealed more of her skin before finally discarding her shirt on the floor.

Jordan felt a bit proud as she watched his reaction, noticing the way his wide eyes were staring at her exposed skin before his gaze finally met hers. He didn't miss the small smirk that now rested on her lips as she took a step towards him, gently fisting the material of his dark sweatshirt. He felt the perspiration forming on his palms as he gulped slightly, trying his damn best to hide his nerves as he hoped that she didn't notice.

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