It's only a week

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"Guys, I don't know why you're worrying. We'll only be gone for a week."

"A week is too long to be separated!" Thomas Shouted

"I don't want you to go!" Kitty whined

"What if there's another attack on the house?" Captain asked

"Cap's right! What if someone tries to rob the house again? This time we won't have any way of contacting you." Pat explained

"Julian can dial the phone, guys." Alison sighed "But only call if it's an emergency."

"But it would save me so much energy of you just stayed!" Julian said, frustrated.

"You most likely won't need to call. All the doors will be locked." Alison tried to argue

"But what happens if there be a fire?" Mary asked

"Nobody will be cooking anything, Mary" Alison attempted to explain

"But nobody was cooking anything when I dies" Mary said, confused

"Well actually, you were the one coo-"

"JULIAN!" Everyone interrupted him

Mary stared confused

Alison placed the last of her luggage in the boot of the car, then closed it.

"A lady does not close things with such aggression!" Fanny huffed

"Well you guys are annoying me at the moment. This is why I'm going on holiday! You never give me a break! I wish you would just leave me alone, ALL YOU'VE DONE IS CAUSE PROBLEMS!" Alison snapped.

The ghosts looked at her in shock. Alison had been mad before, but she has never snapped at them.

Kitty began sobbing then ran off. Thomas and Pat exchanged looks of shock and sadness. Captain and Julian stood still, mouths open wide in shock. Mary and Robin both looked confused.

"Oh, guys I didn't mean to shout." Alison said in regret.

"No, no. It's okay. If that's how you really feel about is, just go." Captain said, cold. The other ghosts nodded their heads in agreement.

Alison looked down to the floor, feeling guilty about hurting the ghosts feelings. "Guys I am sorry, it was just a spur of the moment thing. I didn't mean it." She said

"Then what is the purpose your holiday?" Thomas asked, hurt visible in his voice.

Alison looked down again, unable to answer.

"That's what we thought." Pat growled.

"Guys-" Alsion tried to reason with them, but it was already too late, the ghosts were all leaving.

Alison sighed. "They're just being dramatic, they'll forgive me." She said to herself. She headed back into the house, "MIKE!" She shouted up the stairs.

"One minute!" He replied

Alison sat at the bottom of the stairs, patiently waiting. Mike came tumbling down with piles of luggage rolling out of his hands and crushing Alison. "Sorry!" Mike said, scratching his neck

Alison climbed her way out of the mountain of suitcases "is this the last of It?" She asked with another sigh

Mike nodded "yep!... Well probably."

Alison rolled her eyes, grabbing some of the suitcases and making her way to the car.

Finally everything was packed and they were ready to go.

"Bye ghosts!" Said Mike, waving his hand in all directions

"They're not here." Alison frowned

"Strange, I thought they'd be begging you to stay." Mike shrugged it off. "I can wait if you want to find them and say your goodbyes"

"No, it'll be fine, after all, it's only a week."

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