Chapter 3

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Walking through the halls to get to my first AP class even makes me feel smarter.  I've got these butterflies in my stomach that just won't go away.  I stop sat the door before entering the classroom.  I slowly turn the doorknob, and walk in.

 I don't know what I expected when I walked through that door.  Definitely not people staring at me.

"Hey, are you the new exchange student? I don't think I've ever seen you before." one kid finally pipes in.  I risk a glance at Julianna, and I find her staring at me, with her mouth open.  Gaping, I think it’s called?  I shake my head to answer the kid's question, and sit in an open seat.

The teacher, Mrs. Burns, finally walks in.  "Welcome back, class.  I'm glad to see you all.  Please take your seats, and then we'll start by introducing ourselves, since I see a few new faces."

Great.  Just what I need.  A bunch of people who think of me as a dumb kid to see that now I'm just as smart as them. 

"Julianna, why don't you go first."  I look over at her, and see her stand up.

"Hey, I'm Julianna Right.  This is the second year I've been in an AP class, and I look forward to being good friends with all of you."

I mumble, "What?" before I even think about it.  I didn't hear a single thing she said.  I saw her lips moving, but her glow took the space of her words.  She looks around the room, and then stops on me.  I glance up, and our eyes meet.  I quickly look away, not wanting her to see me look at her.

 "Thank you, Julianna.  Would you mind picking someone you don't know to go next?"  Mrs. Burns says.  

Julianna looks around the room, and her gaze lands on me once again.  "I pick... Hunter."


Hunter?  Why would I pick Hunter?  I think it’s because I'm surprised that he's actually in the AP class.  The words came out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think, which is so not like me.  I hope I'm not getting sick. 

"Uh... My name is Hunter David.  This is my first year in an AP class."  It’s weird how he kinda just mumbles.  He's probably nervous, but what is there to be nervous about?  I mean, it’s just school. 

Oh, right.  He's just now in the smart classes.  That explains how why he's so dumb sounding.  I hope he knows that if you don't keep you're grades up, you don't stay in the AP classes.

Now that I think about it, he really got into shape over summer.  Who wouldn't want him?

 And now I'm nervous, too.  But I feel more sick than nervous.  Because of what I'm thinking. 

I might actually like Hunter David. 

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