Chapter 8

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Did I really just say that?  Did I really just ask if Julianna Right, the Julianna Right, would like a ride home?

More importantly, did she just say yes?

I stand there, staring at Julianna, waiting for her to take back her answer and walk away.  But she doesn't; she continues to stand there, waiting for me to show her the way.

"Um, okay.  Follow me, then."  I turn, and start walking out to the parking lot.  I take a quick peek over my shoulder to see if she is really following me, and I watch as she jogs to catch up to me. 

"Show me the way."



We make small talk as we walk to the car.  When we reach the middle of the parking lot, Hunter unlocks his car.  I don't realize he has a BMW until he opens his door to get in.

"Are you coming?" he asks, looking at me.  I seemed to have stopped walking, and I stand staring at the car.

"Uh, yeah." I nod, and open the passenger door.  I drop my bag in the back, and get in the car.  He turns on the car, and the radio immediately starts belting country music.  I look over at Hunter, and I find him blushing.

"Country?" I ask, and have to laugh a bit.

"Sorry." He says shamefully.

"It's fine.  I actually like this song." And I immediately start belting out the words to I Want Crazy by the beautiful Hunter Hayes.  I think there is only one person in the world that is more beautiful than him, and I think I might be sitting next to him.

"Hunter, can I call you Hayes?" I ask politely.  Hunter looks at me weird, either because of my singing, or my question.

"Um, why?" He questions, then looks at the radio. "Oh, like Hunter Hayes?  Why would you call me that?  I'm a horrible singer."

"Just 'cuz.  I think it fits you." I say, and stare straight into his hazel eyes.  He makes eye contact, and searches my face.  Immediately a million questions run through my mind, like is my hair ok, is my makeup smudgy....

He stops and turns his attention back to the road.  "So where is your house?"

"Um, turn right up here." I say, pointing across the rode.  We drive up to the entrance, but are stopped by the guard.

"Name." The guard says, staring down at his clipboard.

"Hey, Michael." I say, and he looks up.

"Oh, good afternoon Julianna.  Sorry about the holdup.  Go ahead through." Michael says, and presses a button attached to his clipboard opening the gates.  

"What was that?" Hunter asks, looking at me.

"Uh, he's just the guard." I say, and look out the window.  It's a little awkward when your neighborhood guard knows you by name.  It's just not, what's the word, average.

"But how does he know your name?" Hunter asks curiously, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Um," I stuttered.  "My parent's are big here in the neighborhood, so most people know us."

I stare out the window, and then notice that we just missed our turn.  "Shoot, that was the turn.  You can turn around right here.  Or just drop me off."

"No, it's fine.  I can turn around.  I would have to anyway, right?"

"You wouldn't have to.  You could just go out the west exit."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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