Unexpected Goodbye

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It's just 3 am, but I can't sleep at all. My thoughts of you kept me awake all night. It made me wonder how you are feeling right now. I felt nervous. Will I be able to clean the entire house on time? Should I start now?

   The anticipation of seeing you after months of waiting gave me the motivation. My hands immediately removed the sheets of our bed. It took a few seconds to change our pillowcases. I made sure I put the same set we used on our first night as husband and wife. I remembered what you said the last time. Everything should be the same when you come back on time.

   It didn't take too long for me to finish cleaning the house. Unlike the months before, I felt as if today, every chore I did was with love. I hope you notice I prepared everything according to your plan, from the bedroom to the kitchen, the dining room to the living room. I kept in mind what you told me when we entered the house for the first time. Everything reflects what your heart desires.

   When the clock struck 1 pm, I felt relieved. The house will be ready when you come. I didn't feel tired. Instead, I got excited, thinking it was now my time. I should prepare before you arrive. What should I wear? Will it surprise you to see how I look right now?

   I waited for this day to come. After stepping out of the bathroom, I put on my makeup in the way you say suits me. My dress is the one you bought for me on our first month anniversary. I will never forget the way you looked at me. To you, I am the only one.

   It is now 4 pm. Three months after our wedding, you had to leave me behind. You told me not to worry because, after just three months, I will indeed have you back in my arms. My heart is trembling now. I am sure you are not far.

   I prepared all your favorite dishes, from the brown rice, the shrimp on tamarind soup, and the crispy fried tilapia with mixed fruits on the side. It is a feast that I always prepare; fit for a king, as you proudly brag.

  Everything is ready. My heart is bursting with love. This time I will make sure that if you ever have to leave again with you, I will surely come. I started counting 10...9...8...7, and I heard footsteps coming now.

  I went near the door and waited for the doorbell to ring. You never fail; you are always on time. So as I opened it, I gave my biggest smile. But you are nowhere to be found.

   Instead, your signature gift box is lying on the ground. But, this time, it is different. Inside the box is your wedding ring and a card saying- I'M SORRY, GOODBYE.


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