You really wanna be dumb?

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I am one of these lucky people who has the chance to go to school. As much as I don’t like it, I am proud of myself that I didn’t stop with school and became nothing. My parents try hard. They work hard just to give us a good future. And why disappointing them? I have this friend whose parents are rich. She was in school but never did well. Got bad grades, didn’t pass her exams, was kicked out of school twice cause by us you can’t fail a class two times. But her parents never punished her, so she doesn’t realize how bad it is. I know that if I didn’t care about school and my future, my dad would’ve already taken everything from me. When I see these people like my friend, I really get sad. What if your parents die out of nowhere and you are all alone? What are you going to do then? I mean, you don’t have a diploma then that means no work, what will you eat? When I ask these girls like 'but how will you support yourself in the future?' they are like 'there will I have my husband for' or 'I am going to marry a rich person of course' and they mean this seriously. I don’t get that, I really don’t. Who says you are even going to get married? Maybe Allah doesn’t want you to marry? You don’t know whats going to happen in the future. Rich man? Maybe you will marry a person who is poorer than you, who didn’t study too. What are you going to do then? I have a lot of friends who are going to marry this season and the girls and the boys both doesn’t have a proper diploma or job. I find these scenes sad cause I am a person who wants a big house with a great design and they want it too. But for that, I need to work hard. You need to deserve such things. And studying is not even just for the future.
How many muslims did get a nobel price? Not many right? Why aren’t there many famous muslim professors? We as muslims need to prove ourselves so we need to study and become something. In my country, we need to prove ourselves so hard. There are a lot of racists and stuff like that and the most criminals are foreign people who didn’t study. Then I am like 'we need to make a change, and that will only work if we study and smile at people on street'. Study, there are people out there who want to go to school but just can’t. Study, your parents are trying hard just for you and its the least we can do back. Study, if you want to be able to buy anything you want and to help anyone you want. Study, cause you will see that you will get smarter..

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