Closing Remarks

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I've always enjoyed reading alpha/beta/omega stories. But one thing I found myself missing was more stories where the couple not only defy the rules of their society but actively work to change them.

Often the omega protagonists rebel against the roles laid out for them - until they meet the one, and then everything's suddenly fine. The main couple settle into their lives and the unfair world remains fundamentally unchanged. 

There's nothing wrong with a story like that - with characters just trying their best to live normal lives despite the context they're in. 

But in my story, I wanted both the omega and the alpha to actively and independently work towards making their society more equal. Towards changing things for the better in whatever way they could.

When I first came up with the story, the plot was roughly the same...except there was no romantic relationship between the two main characters. They were just brothers who loved each other.

However, then I was faced with the problem of finding plausible romantic partners for both of them and it turned out convoluted and over-complicated. Eventually I, screw it. 

Let's cut out the middle men. 

They became adopted siblings that grew up together the way protagonists sometimes grow up next door to each other, or in the same household, or in the same orphanage. Family, but not related. 

Red and Robin share a very strong emotional bond and an unconditional love. They would do anything for each other. In a different world - one without alpha/beta/omega dynamics - perhaps that love would have stayed platonic. But in this world, in addition to love and loyalty, they also have an intense attraction to each other.

That being said, I am fond of taboo relationships in stories. People on opposite sides...impossible love triumphing against all odds...the greater the obstacles, the more satisfying it is to see them overcome...

The two of them against the world.

I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any thoughts or opinions you'd like to share, feel free to leave a comment. Thank you so much for reading :)

Take care! 

Robin Red (BxB) - Alpha x Omega StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now