Chapter Twenty-Two

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Disclaimer: I have about as much right to Harry Potter as Khan has to the Enterprise, which is to say, none.
Note: I listened to Where Do We Go from Here? by Ruelle and Dark Side by Phoebe Ryan.


Hermione knew it was pointless to stress, but she found not stressing quite difficult. She knew Tom wasn't stressed at all, but he was very calculated, always had been. If it didn't help their mission, he ignored it. Which included stress.

To distract herself, she pored over their notes and books she'd brought with her. She still found her mind wandering quite frequently, however, to the point that one minute she would be thinking about their predicament with Grindelwald and the next about her Kneazle cat, Delphi, who was safely in the care of Oraia.

There were many things to stress over. How they would retrieve the Elder Wand from Dumbledore was a huge problem. She was absolutely certain he wouldn't simply give it away, especially not to a couple of Hogwarts barely-grads who had ambitions larger than their abilities. And Tom thought she could simply reason with him? It was completely absurd.

Then there was the matter of Grindelwald. His help would be invaluable. There was no question about that. They would be highly dependent on his experience, his knowledge, his previous influence.

But he knew it.

What if he tried to take over?

No, she reminded herself, we made an Unbreakable Vow. Either he stays loyal, or he dies. There is no alternative.

But a Dark wizard such as he would have no trouble finding a loophole around their agreement. He not only had a perfect memory; he had time, and he would use that time and memory to his advantage.

Anything to gain more power. Anything at all.

She groaned and rested her forehead on her hand. Tom, who was outside, seemed to sense her mood, because a flare of annoyance flashed through their bond. I thought I told you to go to bed.

And I thought that you don't have any control over what I do. I'm going to review these notes. I'll be in bed in under an hour.

No, you won't. You'll scour them for any remaining details that we might have missed, even though we have them memorized, and stay up until three in the morning doing it. Go to bed.


A flash of anger this time. Hermione, you'll be of no use with three hours of sleep.

Of no use? No use? So I'm just a tool now?

You know that's not what I - you know what? I found a book that is filled to the brim with new spells that I have not had a chance to try out yet. Get a good night's sleep, and we can look at them tomorrow.

Hermione managed a smirk. You've resorted to bribes now, Tom?

Tom scoffed. Anything to get you to go to sleep. You get far too little. Go to bed.

Yes, my Lord.

Salazar, you're difficult.

She grinned. I take pride in it.

Hermione blew out the lamp, and a wave of sleepiness hit her like an Erumpent. She yawned and stumbled over to her bedroom, where she quickly changed, brushed her teeth, and tied up her messy curls into a bun. She yawned again and climbed under the covers, blowing out her bedside lamp as well. By the time her head hit the pillow, she had fallen into an exhausted sleep.

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