Chapter Seventeen

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Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue. Harry Potter's not mine, I promise you.

Note: For this chapter, I listened to Take Over by Hidden Citizens and Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney.



Hermione was bombarded by a hug – more of a tackle, really – from Oraia. "Oh, Hermione, were you lonely?"

"A bit," she admitted while giving her a tight hug back. "Merlin, it's good to see you."

"Let her breathe, Oraia," Cecily laughed. Oraia let go at once, looking sheepish, and Cecily gave Hermione a much gentler hug. "How was your Christmas?"

"Not bad," Hermione said, smiling. "Your presents were lovely, and I even found a way to visit Hogsmeade!"

"You mean you snuck out of the castle?" Oraia grinned. "You rebel."

Abraxas jumped down from somewhere. "Did you get the butterbeer? It always tastes like cinnamon around Christmas."

"Abraxas!" Hermione laughed, and gave him a quick hug too. She glanced up to see a rafter stretching above them. "Were you up there the whole time? How did you even get up there?"

"Climbed," he shrugged, moving over to stand next to Cecily. "So did you get the butterbeer?"

"Yes, I got the butterbeer," she grinned. "And it did taste like cinnamon, quite delicious really. Merlin, Abraxas," she added, staring at the smooth stone wall. "I don't even see any footholds. You know what, whatever. It's not like I would ever attempt it. Anyway. Enough about me. What did you guys do?"

Oraia shrugged. "I got to see my parents again. They're quite nice, if a bit old-fashioned, but my grandmother..." She made a face, and began mimicking an old woman's voice. "Oraia, dear, when are you going to find a nice young pureblood to settle down with? When I was your age, I was already married and pregnant! And take that horrible makeup off! Back in my day, women didn't flaunt their beauty; they waited for a man to notice it!" She laughed with the rest of them. "I mean, I know she means well, but Merlin. What about you, Cily?"

Cecily smiled. "I spent Christmas with Abraxas's family, since mine are on holiday in Paris. They were quite welcoming, actually, and Salazar, his mum can bake! That apple pie..." She stared off into space with a dreamy smile on her face, quite un-Cecily-like, and Hermione's stomach grumbled in response.

"You should've heard them after you left," Abraxas said, grinning. "The way they talked, we're going to be married by March."

Hermione laughed at the sudden blush that appeared on Cecily's face.

"You know what?" she said suddenly. "We should go outside. I don't know that I've stepped foot for any long period of time outside the castle since break started."

"That's why you're so pale!" Lucretia muttered, approaching them. She raised a perfect eyebrow. "And I'm assuming you haven't touched the book I gave you yet, either, since your hair looks like that."

"Hey!" Hermione exclaimed in mock outrage, giving her a playful shove. "Not everyone's can just ripple down their backs like yours, Lucy."

"Well, I think going outside is an excellent idea," Oraia said. A slow, mischievous smile grew on her face. "I'm afraid I have to agree with Lucretia, 'Mione. You look like Tom."

"I'm not that pale!" Hermione sputtered, as Lucretia and Oraia each took an arm and led her out onto the snowy grounds, bathed in cold sunshine. As they walked through the snow, about mid-thigh deep, she let her thoughts run.

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