Beginning of the end

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Adrika's POV

Battle of 14th day wasn't same as ever. It continued past sunset. And resulted with us loosing another son. I never met Ghatotkach. Or Hidimba jiji. Because the first ever meeting of him with the family wasn't a pleasant one. After that he never came back. During war he lived in a different part of the camp and somehow I never had the chance of meeting him. But that didn't stop me from mourning him. At the end of the day he was a son of mine. Never met. Never talked. But still.

"The war.. It has it's effects. On everyone." Bhrata Krishn said. We both were standing in a place where we could see the battle field.

"You did it. Right? You didn't let me meet him. Because I remembered several times, I thought about going to him. But somehow it always slipped out of my mind. And if I know my mind, things like this doesn't slip though it quite often." I asked.

"They don't say that only person that can understand Vasudev krishn is Adrika idivita, for no reason." He said. Not again.

"You know God or not you have a bad habit of avoiding conversation. Once in a while when someone makes the bed they actually want to lay on it. So please.." I said Irritated.

"What do you want to know? What answer should I give to you dearie? You didn't asked a question. You just said what is truth." He said.

"I want to know when our relationship became so cold and toxic? Since when you play tricks with me?" I asked.

"Well.. You have this tendency dear sister, you want to save everyone and at a point you need to learn that you can't. But unfortunately we don't have that time for you to actually learn so I had to do the next best thing." He said mater of factly.

"Bhrata Krishn, we both know what is coming.. So please let's agree on a term.. Both of us.. That we don't play with each other's mind. Let's just keep our secretive selves aside for rest of this war. Shall we?" I said.

"We shall. Now why do you think our relationship is toxic?" He asked to irritate me.

"Nagging are we? Seriously brother! Very mature." I said.

"What... You like me like this." He said holding me in a side hug.

      I did like him like that. Of course he was my brother. But sometimes even I could not understand him, which was ironic, because it was he who said I understand him better than himself. Just like now. I didn't get what he hinted. Because this much I knew that he did hinted something. Next day of the war wasn't at all pleasant for us. The ferocious ploys of Guru Dron scatter our force. Our warriors were defending today. But still we lost two most important people. Maharaj Virat passed away when shadows were bringing him over. But the news that froze me came when I was checking the supplies.

"Mumma.. Come fast.." Vriti said urgently. I looked up to her. "It's pitamah Drupad." She finished.

My heart sank. What could you expect from a daughter while she hears something about her father. I didn't know how Vriti pulled me all that way but when I reached the tent. My senses left my body. He was broken. Way too broken. Just watching him like that was beyond the level of my tolerance. I was just still. I could feel everyone yelling at me from all directions but I was just paralyzed. He was my father. Blood or not he was. He loved me as his own. A faint voice reached me.

"Adrika....!" It was him. I broke with a gasp of wind. I didn't know for how long I was holding my breathe.

"Ohhh.. M.. Un.. Gi.. give me. . Adrenaline potion and prepare shock.." I rambled looking aimlessly around.

"No.. Putri.. Don't.." He said..

"I can heal you. I promise" I said fighting my tears and miserably loosing.

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