War of words

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Adrika's POV

           That day went exceptionally well for all of us. I didn't pay more attention to the conversation I had Droupadi by the waterfall. For me I was with my children and I was delighted. Around the lunch time we got a news of there will be some entertainment at night in the honour to celebrate the marriage.

"Entertainment? Dance.. Music.. Food.. " Vriti started.

"No my dearie. Here there will be someone who would tell stories." Jyeshth said. She sat down with a pout. Aarya laughed and said.

"It's ok Darling. It will be fun."

"If storytelling is fun for you then you sadly don't know fun. Mumma tells the best stories. More than even we want to hear." She said. That little..

"Yeyyy... " I said. Subhadra laughed and held me.

"No.. We like her stories. Some of them are very entertaining. Like 'the wizard boy', 'the war of ring', 'the horse men'. But what I like the most and even she tells more often is 'the adventures of a healer'." Vriti said. Oh.. No.. I looked at Bhrata Krishn. He was also looking at me. I nodded to him. And he let a sigh out and smiled softly.

"Adventures of a healer?" Sutosom asked.

"Yes... Unlikely our real healers. This healer went in an adventure. And ended up in a war zone." She said with a hearty laugh. God she is going to tell the whole story. Think Adrika. Think of a cover story. Why my daughter have to be such a blabbermouth.

"Tell us then..." Shrutasen said.

"Well there is this healer who accidentally found herself in a kingdom which was preparing for a war. She left her life behind and these people took her in. They accept her and love her like their sister and friend. Except for the young Prince, who fall in love with her. They got married and went to war side by side." She summarize the story. They all looked at her expectedly while she ship her juice. She then looked at them all and said.

"Oh I am sorry.. I didn't finish the story.. The End." I chuckled at everyone's confused expression. "This much I have."

"That's sounds like Adrika." Parth said looking suspicious.

"It's a story Tatshree." Aadi said.. But stopped abruptly. "But now if I think ab... Mumma.. It's your story. You are the healer. Tatshree yudhishthir the king, Tatshree bhim the big guy, Tatshree Arjun the Archer, Baba the young prince and kakashree is the Sheer." They all looked at me.

"Great way you found to make your kids know their family Adrike... You were always been the creative one." Bhrata Krishn said. Everyone smiled to the idea. I silently muffled a thank you to him.

           Before the evening starts I sent a letter to island. It was time they start the journey. After the marriage, war won't be long. Aeser needs to be here. I would be a panicking mess without him. Shain's team will leave tomorrow to Hastinapur. I called my bird. Aniela. A red bird of paradise. Extremely loyal and fierce bird. Dau bought it from forest for me some years back. She circled around me for some time before coming down to sat on my arm. I gave the letter to her. She hold it securely with her legs. Then wait for me to give instructions.

"Take it to Aeser, Aniela. Bring him to me my friend. As soon as possible." I said. She put her head on my hand as a gesture of understanding. She then flew away.

"Mumma! Aniela is going to island isn't she?" I heard my son's voice.

"Yes.. It's time we start preparing for it. But before that pumpkin we have your brother's wedding." I said smiling at him and tried to kiss his cheek and he just squirt away saying

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