~chapter 12~

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warning: use of the f slur. If this bothers you please be cautious as you move through this chapter. Your mental health comes first <3 and keep in mind this was written a couple years ago when I was still very ignorant and didn't realize the affect of slurs.


Bakugou slams the door to the classroom open. He realised halfway through the walk to the classroom that he wasn't wearing a shirt, so he grabbed his uniform jacket from the nurse's office and took off his gloves. He walks into the classroom and relaxes into his seat, ignoring everyone's questioning stares. 

"H-hey, Bakugou?" someone calls out to him.

He turns to see Asui, "hah?" he questions angrily.

"We wanted to say something," she says, rubbing the back of her neck before gesturing towards the other students behind her, looking guilty.

"We wanted to say sorry for assuming what we did," Hagakure says.

"We played back what happened and it turns out Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero were right..." Ojiro says.

"We hope you can accept our apology!" Jirou says.

Friends only disappoint you in the end.

Bakugou laughs dryly to himself before turning to the other students, "I don't give a fuck about your stupid apology." 

"Bakugou! That's not ni-"

Iida is cut off by Bakugou continuing like he doesn't exist, "I don't need any fucking friends," he says before putting his earbuds in and laying his head on his desk. He mumbles, "all they do is leave you in the end." 

Kirishima brings a chair over and sits beside Bakugou. He takes out his phone and just sits with him. 

I don't need friends.

Kaminari soon joins in, pulling his own chair over and sitting with Bakugou. He, like Kirishima, pulls out his phone and stays there with them.

they'll only disappoint me in the end...

 Mina follows next, pulling her chair over and sitting with them.

they know how I am, I'll just hurt them

Sero drags his chair over to sit with them as well.

why are they trying so hard to be my friends?

Once the class is settled down and not paying attention to the group, Kirishima places a gentle hand on Bakugou's shoulder.


Bakugou clenches his phone in his hand. 

they get nothing from being my friend, so why would they want to?

"Why?" he asks quietly.

"Huh?" Kirishima questions, "why what?"

Bakugou grits his teeth in anger and frustration, "why are you extras trying so fucking hard to be my friends?" Bakugou says through gritted teeth, trying not to yell.

Mina giggles a little bit, "because you look like you need a few friends, silly!" 

"You have that look in your eye like you're all alone!" Sero says.

"Nobody can just be alone all their life," Kaminari says.

"Because you need a friend," Kirishima says, "you need someone to talk to, to comfort you, and to console you. Other people may not see it, but you're broken." 

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