~chapter 4~

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Bakugou wakes up in a cold sweat with tear stained cheeks, having just had a horrible nightmare about his old friend, Deku. he sighs and trudges to his bathroom to clean his wounds from the night before. Today is the UA entrance exam, and he plans to pass with the highest score. He does his morning routine: clean cuts, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, and then leave. He would normally do some cutting in the morning, but he decides against cutting this morning so he can be at the top of his game. He puts on his orange high tops as his mom yells profanities at him.

He leaves the house and starts walking to UA. Once he gets there, he takes a minute to marvel at the large gates and the beautiful building. He was finally on his way to becoming a hero like Deku wanted him to be. He lets a small smile capture his face as he walks into the testing room.


The test was pretty easy for him, he finished a half hour early and got full marks. The next part will be fun for him, he can guarantee it. He walks into the auditorium where a loud blond with hair styled up waits for every examinee to arrive. When he sees that they are all there, he starts his explanation of the next exam, all while screaming.

he covers his ears because the man on the stage is so fucking loud, but then he hears a guy say, “you there with the ridiculous green cat hair clip! Why are you covering your ears? If you do not take this seriously, you should just leave!”

The ash blond glares at him, “shut the fuck up! I’m covering my fucking ears because of this loud ass cockatoo and I can still fucking hear him with my hands covering my ears! AND DON’T YOU DARE CALL THIS FUCKING HAIR CLIP RIDICULOUS EVER AGAIN, YOU GOT THAT YOU FUCKING SONIC RIP OFF?!” he yells.

The screaming cockatoo tries to clear it all up, but bakugou is absolutely pissed. He leaves the room and simply walks to where he’ll be doing his exam.

He hopes no one else in UA decides to make any snide remarks about his hair clip, he really doesn’t want to have to hurt someone. He cracks his knuckles and gets ready to fight some hunks of metal.

The loud bitch screams at them to start running, so he does. He runs into the fake city and starts blasting robots with his stored up sweat from that boring lecture, not bothering to keep count because he knows he’ll come out on top. He gets a crazed smile on his face as he blasts robot after robot. The only time he can just lay back and forget is when he fights.

After blasting through a few more robots, a loud rumbling can be heard shaking the buildings. He sees a bunch of extras running by him. He sees a girl trapped under some concrete, unable to use her quirk due to overexertion. Those fuckers aren’t cut out to be real heros if they can’t even try to save one girl, he idly judges.

He runs right up to the large zero pointer and starts generating his most powerful explosion yet. He winces at the pain in his arm as some cuts are reopened and the power from his quirk rips through his forearm, but proceeds with creating the monster explosion anyway. He holds his hand up toward the robot, holding his wrist in an attempt to lessen the pain, and expels the large blast right at it. The robot staggers a bit before completely falling over, defeated.

Bakugou grips his wrist and winces at the pain, amplified by his cuts being reopened. He growls a bit and hauls the large chunk of rubble off of the girl before grabbing her arm and roughly tugging her out from under the offending concrete. She makes a noise of surprise and begins to thank him profusely, explaining that her quirk was at it’s limit and she thought she was going to die.

“Tch. a real hero wouldn’t care if their quirk was at its limit or if there wasn’t anyone to help. A real hero would do it themself,” he mumbles, remembering how Deku would sometimes say that, “a friend used to tell me that,” he looks down at the blood dripping out from under his sleeve.

“Well, you have an insightful friend,” the girl says before following his eyes and realizing that he’s bleeding, “oh my god! Your bleeding! Is that your quirk drawback!”

He sighs, “it would be nice if he was still here to give people idiot advice like that,” he mumbles to himself, unaware that the girl heard him, then louder so she can hear him, "I’m fine. This is just from some wounds I accidentally reopened.” he then realises that he shouldn’t be trying to make friends with her and stalks off with a ‘tch,’ shoulders hunched. “Bye, or whatever!”

He makes his way through the forest and back home, ignoring his bleeding arms and worrying the people around him. He slams the door open and then closed again, pissing off his mother and causing her to yell at him. He pulls off his orange high tops and stomps up the stairs to his room. He slams the door behind him and marches to the bathroom to cut, as he didn’t get the chance to in the morning.

He locks his bathroom door and pulls out his hidden blade, setting it on his sink. He, next, opens the drawer underneath the sink and takes out his medical kit. He rolls up his sleeves and unwraps his bandages. He grabs the blade from the sink and lets his thoughts run rampant as he slides the silver blade through milky white skin, staining it crimson.

Once he’s finished, he rinses his forearms and rewraps the bandages before rolling his sleeves back down and cleaning his bathroom of the blood. He hides his blade and puts the medical kit away. He unlocks the bathroom door and sits at his desk to study.

He studies for the rest of the evening then, like the night before, has dinner, strips to his boxers before getting in bed and settles into a nightmare filled sleep.

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