Deleted Scene #2

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It starts when we leave Niall's house to get to the studios for a meeting about the OTRA tour. I hear Niall cough a bit next to me but I don't think anything of it. It's when he coughs again that I put my hand on his knee.

''You okay, babe?'' I say, keeping my eyes on the road. 

''Yeah, just a little itch in my throat,'' he says, threading our hands together as he pulls them into his lap. He sighs and lays his head back tiredly. It's obvious that he's not feeling all that great but Niall is one of those people that deny being sick until he's like half dying. 

We arrive at the studio and the other boys are already there including some people from our management. We sit around a large table and we get a paper with the suggested songlist for the tour on there. We discuss what we want to add or change but Niall's not on top of his game today. Normally he's the one coming up with ideas and he's always loud and excited but today he's quiet and I've heard him sigh multiple times. 

''Babe, hey, are you alright?'' He's sitting next to me so I put my arm around him and give him my full attention. The other boys are still busy talking loudly so nobody's really paying attention to us. 

He shrugs. ''I'm fine, don't worry about me.'' He forces a smile but I see right through it.

''Come here.'' I push my chair back and invite him to sit on my lap. He sighs and stands up from his own chair before he sits down sideways, both of his legs dangeling on one side of the chair, in my lap. He wraps his arms around my neck and hides his face. 

''When we get home, we'll have a cuddle in bed, yeah?'' I mumble, rubbing his back. He nods against my neck and presses his lips to the skin there. 

''Niall? Is something wrong?'' Liam says, voicing his concerns. The rest looks up as well now and have worried looks on their faces. 

''I'm fine, guys, really.'' Niall reasures them. 

''You look a little pale though...'' Louis says, not really believing Niall.  

''I'm not sick, okay?'' Niall exclaims, getting a little irritated. 

''Let him be,'' I say, defending my boyfriend. Annoying him is not going to make him feel any better. The boys send me some concerned glances but I wave them off and press a kiss to Niall's temple. 

We finish the meeting and end up chatting some before we part ways. It doesn't seem like Niall feels any better as he clings to my hand and isn't his usual bubbly self. 

''Can we just go home, Harry?'' Niall's voice sounds quiet and small.

''Of course, babe. I'll meet you in the car, yeah?'' I kiss his forhead and he goes off. I turn to the boys, who are all looking worried. 

''I'll take care of him. Don't worry about him. He'll be fine, it's probably just a fever,'' I say as I gather my things in my arms. We say goodbye and I quickly make my way over to the car. Niall is already sitting inside, his head leaning against the window and he seems to be asleep. I get in as well and start the car. 

We arrive back home a few minutes later and Niall is still sound asleep. I get out and walk to the other side of the car to try and wake Niall up. I carefully open the door to the passengers seat and gently shake him. 

''Wake up, love, we're home,'' I whisper, kissing his cheek. 

He groans and barely opens his eyes. ''I don't feel so good, Harry,'' he says as he lets out a shaky breath. 

''Shh, hey, come on, we're gonna go inside and I'll make you some tea, yeah? And we'll cuddle and you'll feel a lot better,'' I try to calm him down and pull him out of the car. He is quick to grab my hand as he shuffles behind me towards the front door. 

We get inside and I sit him down on the couch with a blanket as I go to the kitchen to make tea. I hear some sniffles coming from the living room so as soon as the tea is done I rush to him again. He wrapped himself into the blanket and is laying curled up on the couch. I sit next to him and rub his back. 

''Wanna go upstairs, baby?'' 

He nods and slowly gets up. I tuck him under my arm and guide him up the stairs towards our bedroom. He's shivering as he get's under the thick covers, the other blanket still wrapped around him. I strip to my boxers and get in as well, pulling him into my arms. He buries into my chest and relaxes. 

''Thank you, Harry,'' he sniffles. 

''That's what I''m here for,'' I hum, pressing a kiss to his forhead. He smiles weakly and closes his eyes, falling asleep quickly. I hold him close to me and close my eyes too. Might as well take a nap with him. 

A/N: sorry for not updating for so long! I hope you liked this anyway. Thanks for the prompt SaraBookz ;) xox

If you have any prompts, let me know! 

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