Future Scene #2

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It's 4 years after One Direction ended and Niall and Harry are still going strong together. They've been through a lot of stuff but it only made them love each other more. Now, Niall has been feeling a little weird lately. He doesn't really know how he feels but he does know that it's unpleasant. It makes him feel empty but mostly just sad. He doesn't even know why.

Sometimes, when he's home alone, he turns off the lights and just sits there, in the dark, staring ahead of him. He hates it but he can't seem to stop feeling empty and just unsatisfied. In those moments, he feels as if he's so alone, but he knows that he isn't. He's got tons of friends and a boyfriend that he can run to and they'll all welcome him with open arms but he doesn't want to be around people when he feels like that. It's complicated and it confuses him. 

And he knows he's being more quiet than he used to be. He used to be loud and happy all the time. But now he doesn't have the energy to be his bubbly self. He just wants to close his eyes and maybe escape the world for a few hours. His friends have been noticing the difference, especially Zayn, who always treated him like a little brother, always protective and loving.

One day, Harry goes out with some friends, something that he'd been doing an awful lot lately, and Niall is left alone again with his thoughts. He would like to close his eyes and slip into a deep sleep and he was about to do so when his phone rang. It was Zayn. 

''Hey,'' Niall said as he picked up his phone. Normally he'd let it ring, but he couldn't do that to Zayn. 

''Hey, Ni. What's up?'' Zayn's cheery voice made Niall smile sadly. 

''Not much. I'm not really doing anything.'' 

''Oh great! I'm coming over!'' Before Niall even had the chance to protest, Zayn had already hung up.

Not even 20 minutes later, the doorbell rang and Zayn stood there, a bright smile on his face and juggeling a box in his hands.

''Hi,'' he brushed past Niall, into the house and walked into the living room with the mysterious box in his hands and put it down on the table. Then, he shrugged his coat off and plopped down on the couch.

''You coming or what?'' he said, motioning for Niall to sit next to him. Niall was still a little bit confused as to why Zayn suddenly felt the need to come over but sat next to him nontheless. 

''So, Niall, tell me, how have you been?'' Zayn scooted closer and wrapped an arm around his best friend. 

''Uh, quite good,'' Niall mumbled tentatively. It was a lie though. 

''You sure?'' Zayn looked at him unsure. 

Niall just nodded, knowing that if he said one more word he'd probably break down in tears. 

''Wanna watch a film then?'' Zayn didn't want to push too much and knew Niall was having a hard time. 

Niall nodded again and let Zayn start some random film he'd never seen before. 

''I brought cookies,'' Zayn said, pointing to the box still on the table. Niall smiled gratefully and together they ate the cookies while watching the tv. It was nice to have someone there. Niall didn't realise how much he needed it until now. Zayn let him cuddle into him, even pulled him closer. Niall wished it was Harry though. Zayn was nice but he didn't smell the same, and he wasn't as soft as his Harry. Niall missed him but Harry was too busy with his friends. 

Once the movie ended, Niall was basically in Zayn's lap, barely even watching the film, too busy with finding comfort in his best friend's arms. 

''Niall, I know something is wrong,'' Zayn sighed, holding him a little bit tighter, wanting to keep him grounded. ''Can you tell me what's bothering you?'' Zayn's voice stayed soft and patient. 

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