part: 2 love triangle in valentines day'

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Kashino,mcbeal,and crumle they all love uchigo amano,hanabusa and andoh also love her but they have their own gf . Aquatic

~~~~~~~season 1 chapter 2~~~~~~~~
"Nathan join to the appartment"
When i woke up i saw a mess in the kitchen and makoto is sleeping at the counter. I make me own version of choco chaud that makoto awayd always prepare for me,well i hope he like it.

"Makoto kun woke up"

Makoto i make you a chocolte chaud coz i think your tiered practising sweets. Then makoto replied, thx ichigo but i dindt practise at all,i make you a special valentines cake,chocolat help me and the other spirits.i said, oh, thank you makoto but you dont have to do this,well becouse i know what you feel,remember when you confess? Makoto said,uh, well this is a thing for you.....i said for,me?makoto said ....... its valentines day right so  here!

Ma - makoto kun.. i said and makoto were blushing.

"Makoto make this cake for me for al night,i only see him sweet sometimes only well i think he really mean it!"

I saw johnny running at me,then also gave me a gift chocolate and a card then he carry me and say "I CHI GO! Last time i told you that if i win il marry you right?jo - johnny,but you lose so you cant,i said,but ichigo wil make. New comepetition its called!"who wil date ichigo first! And id you say yes when in the date!

Hanabusa said,ichigo is not a trophy.

Makoto said,ye - yeah johnny!

Johnny raplied,nah im still gonna win ichigo's heart!

Then i said,bu - but johnny.

Maize said,ichigo sorry but im with johnny.

Vanila said,maize how could you!

Maize said,johnny is my partner so i would help him.

Chocolat said,maize had a point vanila. Then vanila said,but...

Andoh said,its your choise ichigo yes or no?"ichigo made het decicion she nswer yes she would date them"

"While ichigo is having a date with johnny they saw RICK"

Ichigo! Said rick when hes calling her

I said, Ri - rick!? Then rick said,hello ichigo" rick kiss ichigo in the cheeks for saying hi"who are you and why did you kiss ichigo! Johnny said in a jeloused way'then i said,johnny its okay hes a friend rick said,ichigo are you hes gf? Coz he had no chance if he only dating you now.johnny replied,OH MY GOD! How could you say that!you... you star boy!

Rick had a averry high temper,boy. Oh look whos tlaking, who do you think ia the biggest! Huh kid!

They both growl at each other.


       "Wel you see guys i will continue this ny the next chapter"

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