part 4 obtaining ingredients

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Author: hello this is the part when they get some engridients.

I said,off we go to the........ what is it again??? Vanilla said,uhhhhgggg ichigo were going to the ice mountain to some mint leaves again.
Chocolat said,and next is the ice cream at the back of the ice mountain at the cave. Mint said, yeah the cave is dark and scarry most of all it had many diffrent way to the ice cream. Hanabusa said, huh why,is the ice cream realy important? Cafe said,yes it is,the ice cream there is really rare the usual ice cream is at the nort west,well becous its the queens birthday today so it need to be super delicius. Nathan said, hey i never been to travel at the sweets kingdom,come on ichigo my darling. I said, da darling???... johnny said, heyyy... how dare you touch i chigo like that! Makoto said, oh,is this what happends when two playboy mixes?..
I said, oh just leave it like that.... c>

"They are out sidw the kingdom"

Mint said, lets go guys the ice mountain is pretty steep be careful. Vanilla said,hey mint you be carefull.
Cafe said, look at the weather its getting dark i think its gonna rain.

"A rain drop fell from the sky"

Chocolat said,i stand corected. I said,i probobly should be care ful maybe i fall,last time makoto fall so maybe i fall now. Vanilla said,sheesh ichigo dont say that..lemon said, the rain is getting stronger. Nathan said, yeah  theres some algae here.

"Ichigo steped on the algae and fell"

I said,kyaaaaaa!!!!!!  Makoto said, huh, ichigo!!!!!!! Im going down and get her. Vanilla said,me too! Makoto said, no it'll be dangerous for you. Vanilla replied, what are trying to say!?  "Nathan stared at makoto "
"Makoto get down and find ichigo"

Nathan said, hey vanilla why is makoto so protective and so concern about ichigo? Vanilla said, now is not the time to talk about it... just climb!

Makoto said, ichigo!? Ichigo!? Ichigo!!!??? "Makoto heard a russeling near the bushes" oy!! Ichigo wake up ichigo! Ichigo!!!!!!!

"I woked up and saw that we are on a cave"

Makoto said, hey ichigo are you hurt.
I said, no not really "i stand up" a aww....... makoto said, your hurt lemme see your leg.... there's a blood
We better stay here for a while,til your leg is okay. I said,makoto..... ha ha hachu! Makoto said, huh,your freezing cold "touch ichigo's head" your temperature is high... "take's off the cudley wadley costume" here use it,change over there. I said,uh thx ..... hey go over there and dont look at me im changing! Ha ha hachu!
Makoto said, are you done. I said,yeah you can look now... and uh thx again. Makoto said, yeah su ...... ha ha hachu! Re. I said, your gonna catch a cold here let ms. Cudley wadley hug you and make you warm.
Makoto said,yeah thx..... I think the sky isnt calming and its getting darker. I said,dont worrie it'll be gone.....uh makoto about the valentine's chocolate. Makoto said, yeah... i said, i..... want.. more cos im hungry... ughhhh.... makoto said,is that all you want, il make you after were saved...."growling stomach" we well i guess im hungry too...... wait il get some food for us. Then i said,huh? But its raining really strong,if you go youl catch a cold like me .... and my head feel's heavy.... ughhhh... makoto said, dont worrie and here,this is a towel put it in your head i got to go find some food.
I said, makoto...... "he really gonna do it,thats rare but,he said for us"

Makoto said hey im back huh.....she fell asleep " go besides her and sleep together"

"The rain stop and ichigo open her eye's slowly and said,ma makoto..... ,makoto woked up,huh... he hey amano! Wh why are you staring face to face to me like that!?. I said, nothing i just like it when your a fairy cuz you look cute. Makoto said, ichigo... huh, are you teasing me! Its like your saying that im ugly when im not in this size!? I said,n no! If you are then why are you in the "sweets prince!?" Makoto said, get up and stop staring at me! I said, why are you not happy that me and you are alone again and we can talk alone?
Makoto said,n no! Your just,weird today do you fell fron the head? I said,wh why what's wrong with me!? Makoto said,your acting ... like not ichigo,and you forgot i gather some food remember? I said, yeah i forgot becouse i sleep hehe... were is it?
makoto said,oh never mind what i said,here eat it im not hungry anymore. I said, thank you! "Its almost 3:00 and the others find ichigo and makoto. Then they go to the kingdom and they brought all the engredients. The cheffs and the court patissier gather and make sweets together then they finish it in 6:30,but they still have time to arrange the cakes in proper. When it reached 7:00 the bell rang and some fireworks flew up to the sky the queen is tasting the sweets then she's been amazed by the taste ,she said, my,this ice cream come from the ice mountain who manage to get it? Then the cheff answered, vanilla and she's friend help us to get some and also the other engridients too.
Vanills said, it was nothing hehe.... mint said,yes your majesty vanilla senpai is right. Vamilla said, va vanilla senpai? He..hehehe.... "chocolat's eye brows are moving"
The queen said,i was surprised of what you did ..... huh ichigo why is your leg had a blood? I said, uh...ehh... i fell from the ice mountain... the queen said, becouse of your help ill repay you by healing your leg" swoosh!" Makoto said, does it hurt anymore? I said,no not at all im cured... yay! Thank you you majesty!
the queen said, why dont you all enjoy the party and eat. I said,yes ofcoure y your majesty! Im glad to eat! Makoto said,ughhh....ichigo calmdown there's many food for you!
Here eat this! "makoto put the macaron in ichigo's mouth to shut up"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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