Chapter 25-Anna: A Revisit in the Past

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I dart past a couple of houses. Then take a right to the shortcut. Then I heard two other footsteps crunching the snow. The woman and Blade. I think Clara was what Blade said. Before Chris and Tom's dad died. I take my feather out of my pocket. It was hard to run. My hand was freezing, the snow was slowing me down, and the cold air made it hard to breathe. I notice a fence from someone's yard. I climb over it and keep running. And a dog starts running at me. "Great." It was catching up to me. Then I quickly climb over the fence again right before it could bite and chew my foot off. It barks loudly and I hear the owners coming out of their back door asking him what was wrong. I quickly speed past the next person's house. I could see Carrie's. I run like I was about to die. Which, maybe I was. I heard the same footsteps. How do they know which way I went?! I hope Carrie wasn't dead. I keep running, until I trip on a stupid tree stump that was hidden in the snow. I stub my toe. "Ahhh!" I wince at the pain. It was hard to move. But I keep limping to Carrie's house. Then, I collapse. 

     I wake up in Tom's bed. He and Chris were watching me. "Hello. You stubbed your toe real hard." I was in regular summer clothes. But it was the clothes I was in when I put my jacket on.  That was a relief. "Your hand was also real cold. Also, why didn't you stop. We saw you running past a house's backyard. But you didn't stop." Chris says. "Oh. I didn't hear you. And I thought you guys were Blade and Clara." Tom and Chris' faces go stone cold. "Sorry." Then, I remembered Carrie. "Carrie! Carrie might be in trouble!" I try to get up but Tom pushes me down. I keep thrashing. "It's okay! We went to her house and they're all fine. In fact, she's right here." I look up and see Carrie at the door. "Hey girl. Tom and Chris told me the whole story. All the way from when he got the feather till now." That must have been a long story. "How long was I out?' Now my head was hurting. "3 hours." 3 hours?! "What happened since then?" I ask. Chris shrugs. "Pretty much nothing. My mom is still asleep. And this whole time Tom was telling Carrie what happened." Then Carrie intervened. "Yeah, but I have one question, how the GODS did you two get together."

    I stare at Tom. "He just asked me out when I was in the library. Nothing dramatic." She nods and leans on the wall again. It was quiet. Then Tom squeezes a towel and puts it on my forehead. It was the right temperature. It felt so good. "But how did you get me home?" They all look at each other. "We carried you." I blush. "Sorry to be such a 'dead weight.'" Me and Carrie laugh. Chris and Tom just look at each other. I try to get up but my toe was wrapped up like ground beef. "Ow, ow, ow." I kept walking and each time it hurt. "You should sit down." Tom helps me to his bed again. I just realized that it still smelled like jasmine. "We should let you sleep." Tom says. He takes my towel off and sets it in a blue bucket filled with water probably. Then they all leave.

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