Chapter 1: Oh Rosalie..

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It was such a nice day. Cloudy and depressing, but lovely at the same time. Rain drops began to fall from the sky as I took a seat on the wet grass. I knew my white dress would suffer the consequences but I had not a worry on my mind. My eyes closed as I took in the strong aroma of moist dirt and grass.

Out in the distance a bright blue fluttered in the wind catching my attention. It became clearer as it got closer and I quickly identified it as a beautiful little butterfly. Such an exquisite creature in such gloomy weather surprised me but I acknowledged it anyways.

My hand reached out for the dancing wings and they landed on my finger causing a smile to play on my lips. My eyes curiously gazed over the delightful insect on my hand before loud thunder shook the ground beneath us. I gasped, frightened by the sudden noise. Seconds later water was pouring down from the sky soaking me and everything around us.

I looked down to see if my new friend was okay but my eyes widened in horror as I watched this living being melt into my hands. Slowly it began to turn into what seemed like dirty water. I attempted to wipe it all away but as much as I wiped my hands they still felt dirty and I could still see traces of the filthy water on my skin.

My eyes shot open as I tried to catch my breath. My heart was close to exploding out of my chest as I got out of bed. Like always, it was just another dream. It truly is incredible how the mind can create such realistic scenes all the meanwhile you're asleep. How it's able to make us feel something we can't even actually touch. It's like living another life. One where many things are possible.

I quickly finished getting ready and walked down stairs and into the kitchen where my mother stood preparing toast and a fruit salad for breakfast. "You look nice today." she smiled over at me when she noticed my presence. "Did I not look nice yesterday?" I lightly giggled as I poured myself a glass of juice. "Oh Rosalie, you know what I meant." she sighed cutting an apple slice in half.

"Well mother, I dress the same everyday." I motioned towards my simple, pale blue sundress and worn out white converse. "Oh, and call me Rose." I narrowed my eyes at her and took a seat at the island in front of her. "Just take the compliment." she threw a piece of strawberry at me. "What are your plans for today?" She continued to make her usual morning small talk.

"Well it is Saturday so I'm going in town to the library and then going on another one of Rose's adventures." I chuckled knowing that she already knew that anyways. "Of course you are. Why don't you make any friends Rosalie?"

And there it was.

The question she asks me almost everyday. The question I don't actually have an answer to. The question I don't want to answer.

"Because friends don't make me mom." I sighed. She furrowed her eyebrows at me in confusion. "That made more sense in my head." I mumbled resting my head on my hand. "I'll be okay alone mother. Don't you fret." I waved her off taking a bowl of the cut up fruit and a slice of toast.

We finished our breakfast to the sound of my moms humming which didn't bother me a bit. I actually liked to listen to her. Humming usually meant she was in a good mood. "Maybe you could stop by the shop while you're down there and help your old mother." My mom suggested as I helped her clean. "Hmm..." I looked out the window in thought. "I'll think about it." I laughed drying my hands with a rag.

"I better get going." I sighed grabbing my book bag from the floor. "Be careful! I'll see you down there!" She called out as I shut the door. It was a cloudy day. Not quite like the one in my dream though. The humidity is horrid and in my dream it felt nice and cool.

Ten minutes into my long walk a house caught my attention. The usual lonely and quiet territory was now filled with two huge trucks and people taking things in and out of the house. "Somebody must've finally moved in." I mumbled to myself remembering the last time someone lived there. I believe I was only about four or five. The old man was a sweet fella but unfortunately he passed away long ago.

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