Chapter 6: The Beginning

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"Alright, where are you going?" Justin grabbed my arm causing me to turn to look at him. "To find somewhere I can spend my lunch peacefully, jeez." I pulled my arm out of his grip and continued walking with him still behind.

While we were roaming the empty hallways I began to hear what sounded like people having a conversation. It was far away but very loud. Sounds like a movie or something. "Justin, do you hear that?" I whispered. Justin looked around paying attention to all the sounds near by. "The voices?" He whispered back. I nodded and began to follow it.

We arrived to a big door at the end of the hallway. "It's coming from in here. I wonder what it is." I stared at the door curious. My hand went to the door knob and I slowly cracked it open. A film was playing on a projector. We walked in farther and I looked over at a boy on his laptop staring at both Justin and I.

"Alfredo? What are you doing here? It's lunch time." I walked up to him with my eyes still on what was playing on the blank wall. Suddenly, it stopped and disappeared from our sight. "Im just checking out some stuff I filmed the other day. What are you guys doing here?" He stood up from the stool he was sitting on next to the projector.

"We were just finding somewhere to hang out instead of the cafeteria." I looked down at my feet slightly embarrassed remembering what went down in there. "You guys can stay in here. It does get kind of lonely some times." he smiled. "Thanks. Alfredo this is Justin. He barely moved here from Canada and today is his first day. Justin this is Alfredo. He's the guy I told you about with the photography and all that." I giggled introducing them.

"You talked about me?" Alfredo questioned raising his eyebrows at me. "Yeah, he was telling me about his friend back home who always took pictures and recorded everything all the time. It reminded me of you so I told him." I shrugged. "Well, nice to meet you man." Alfredo stuck his hand out to shake and Justin smiled accepting his offer.

"So how do you like it so far Justin?" Alfredo asked turning around to mess with equipment that I couldn't name. "School sucks but other than that the town is pretty cool." Justin shrugged taking a seat on a random desk near by. "Do you come here for lunch everyday?" I asked Alfredo looking around. He nodded in response.

"What happened to you?" He motioned towards the stain on my clothes. "Naomi confronted me for defending Justin and humiliating Taylor." I shrugged and set my bag on the floor to take a seat on a chair. "You humiliated Taylor? That's kind of hard to believe." he laughed. "I was a witness, man. She did it and she did it well." Justin chuckled.

"Can't believe I missed that." Alfredo shook his head lightly laughing. "Ooh, let me see your work." I stood up as I saw images pop up on his laptop screen while he messed with it. Justin followed as I leaned over Alfredo's shoulder to see. "Alright, alright. Here's a couple I took yesterday while I was in town." he said clicking on another file.

He clicked on the first picture and let us admire it. We oooh' d and awe'd while he scrolled through all the pictures of all the buildings, bikes, cars, even people. He made the simplest things look beautiful.

That's when it first happened. He went to the next picture and my eyes fell on the orange wings of a butterfly sitting on a flower. All I could focus on was the design and then my vision began to blur until everything went black. I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't hear anything. I didn't know what was happening.

I tried to feel or see something as hard as I could and finally everything began to come back. Except when my vision was back I realized I was standing in a forest. It was cold and the sun wasn't out. I looked around and there was no one except trees and insects I couldn't see. I began to panic and ran forward.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know why, I just needed to get out. Finally, I made it to a clearing. I continued to run till I made it to the end of a cliff. My heart was pounding in my chest as the edge crumbled and fell into the water beneath. Before I knew it I was falling.

My body thrashed into the cold water and right then I jumped up. I was panting and Alfredo and Justin were sitting by my side worried. I looked around and I was back in the room except I was on the floor. I was struggling to catch my breath when Justin asked if I was okay.

"What was that Rosalie? Are you okay? What happened?" Alfredo bombarded me with questions after Justin. "I'm fine. I just..." I trailed off not knowing exactly how to explain what just happened. "I must've just blacked out. I don't know." I stood up brushing my dress off. "Just blacked out? You're eyes like rolled to the back of your head. You looked like you were having a seizure or something. Maybe you should go home." Justin suggested seeming extremely worried.

"I'll be fine." I reassured waving it off. The bell rang letting us know lunch was over. I turned to Alfredo who had began packing his things. "Hey, you wanna go to the lake with me and Justin after school?" I invited him as I grabbed my bag. "Sure, I can take some good shots over there." he smiled. "Great, meet us up at my moms shop." Justin began to walk towards the door.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Alfredo called out as I neared the door. "Yeah, don't worry." I waved at him and he nodded in response. Justin and I walked to our next class which we had together.

The day went on pretty normal again. I had no confrontations of any sort nor did I black out again so it was all good. Good for school anyways.

Short chapter, oops?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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