2nd Entry: In The Beginning

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+++When you're born, you know not of war, lying, cheating or thievery. When you're born, you're born pure; free of the sins of your parents. Not me, man. I wasn't created, I was SUMMONED. I was summoned by hatred and sacrifice. My body was materialized out of need. I was brought into this world with a thousand names, and I bring to you a million truths. I was brought to hold the whole world in my hands. To rescue you, man.
        To rescue you, I knew I had to devise a plan. I knew I had to plant the seed. So that's what I did. I planted a single willow seed I found in the pocket of a weary homeless man. Dead from starvation and thirst. Dead from a world that passed him by. With care and nurturing, this seed grew. This seed grew at an alarming rate and brought shelter to me while I scribbled my prophecies on the page so that I may save the world.
You may ask, "Why a willow tree? Of all things beautiful, you choose to keep a willow tree as your altar...why?"
         The answer is simple...the willow is a wise old tree that predates mankind. Thought to be the oldest living plant. The willow has seen some things, man. The willow knows the history of this world better than we ever will.
        When my prophecies began to be written, I knew I had to gain a following. I knew I had to create a trust between myself and the population I was
sent here to save. People would think I was crazy. People would think I was a lunatic. They'd put me to death for witchcraft. I was scared...for a moment. Until I realized, I am above man. I am the savior of the sleeping sheep that another entity so carelessly placed with hate and disregard. No God can touch me. No God can cut me down.
       So I went searching. I went searching for the weary, broken and downtrodden. I was searching for someone who had nothing left to lose and everything to gain. One-by-one they came and went. Cowering in fear at the sound of the truth. Filled with doubt because our meeting place is at the old willow tree and not a formal building.
      "Buildings are an establishment created by man. Meant to rule and subdue..." I said to them.
       "I am no mere man, my friends. I was created, not born. I can cradle the whole world in my hands or I can eat the world whole. I have no desire to fall into the trap that is mortality." I explained unto them.
       Still they left. Some lasting much longer than others. I knew it had nothing to do with me. It had to be issues within their own minds right? Right? Of course it was. My words are not wrong. My prophecies are not too hard to follow or understand. They're simple. Maybe too simple for lesser minds. So I continued my search. I continued to look. In the meantime, I continued to wait by the old willow tree and write.
       My thoughts and ideas spilled out onto paper like the blood of a wounded sheep. Prophecies and thoughts on war, government, liars, thieves and what the world needs to do in order to be saved. Things most people will never understand, while others will. Still, these things need to be said...Regardless of what they'll understand, they still  need to hear what I have to say. It is essential for their wellbeing and the greater good that I am trying to bring them.
       I wrote for months and months under that old willow tree. It became everything. It became an obsession. It became the food I ate and the air I would breath. Day in and day out I wrote. Rain, shine, sleet or snow...my words were being printed. My calloused hands would crack and break from all the writing.

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