Chapter Two-Mary Kale at the Finfer house-II

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Picture of the Louisiana swamp; and the European version of 'Piece of My Heart' 1969, by Janis Joplin...the second song in 'The Scared Book 4' soundtrack, right in the media section.

Warning: It is rated PG-13 for adult themes.

You must be 13 years and over to see and hear it.


The bladder hurt.

Barnaby went to the restroom...

...And closed the door.


Mary pressed the front doorbell.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"How original! Not!".

She waited...

...And waited...

...And waited...

...And then John was there...

...And scared her.


Barnaby flushed the toilet.

Then he washed his hands.


"You bastard! Trust you to do that".

"I know how the Finfer's travel. They're strange".

"Well, someone must be there".


And then Barnaby opened the door.

"Sorry, I the Restroom, had to go".

"Hi, I'm Mary. And my boyfriend John. He's protecting me from the killer". She looked at Barnaby's scared face, "...But you're safe with me".

"Good, because my brother gets funny sometimes".

"Funny", John said.

"Yes! According to rumor, no one wanted to go into the swamps. It wasn't like a curse; it was the Zombies, where a mania happened at a girl's party".

"That was two or so years' ago".

"Yes, and there was the Randall Jeston incident at camp. Pranks, and all. And he got his bloody revenge...and his sisters murdered people in their home's attic. And so on".

"Like, the hunters", Mary said.

"Yeah, that is ancient history".

"But what about the disappearances?", she asked.

"Let's go inside", John said.

And, as they did so, the killer watched them...

...And held the hammer in her hand...

...And was about to strike.


Inside, the teen couple noticed the red colored rug.

"Nice, blood", John said.

"My brother loved it. Said it kept him calm; said it was because The Boogey Woman wouldn't kill him with a hammer".

"Hang on. A Boogey woman", Mary frowned.

"Yes. On particular nights, a Boogey woman would come to The Deep South...And kidnap kids. She used a hammer to kill anyone who got in her way".

"But there's no such...", John stated.

And they headed towards the spacious Lounge room...

...Where a burning fireplace...along with four sofas...a mahogany table...And pink curtains that surrounded the room...

...And two lamps that illumed the entrances to the bedrooms, upstairs.


"I can make coffee and scones", Barnaby said.

"Okay, then we can relax", John moved towards the first sofa. Mary made sure that she was doing her job, while the High-Def cable TV with 203 channels...was flickering in the far right corner of the room.


The killer tapped the hammer on the ground.

She had plenty of time to kill the teenagers...and the boy. In her mind, that was what it was supposed to be; she had to kill...

...Because revenge stirred the pot of evil...

...And spilled it with venom.


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