Part 2

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10.What was supposed to be
Low key broken but I'll move on
Happy days accompanied by sad songs
Wanted to act different but now it seems wrong
Because The risks too high and I'm not in the mood to fly Deep down telling myself don't be that guy Just try
but every day I ask myself why
Why do I cry, lie and repeat the cycle that very well Ruins my life
There are no answers but life can't get any sadder
so I'll keep going see this to the end
Atleast some of them realised it wasn't all for pretend

11.This feeling
Not depressed but you wish you were
So you could label this feeling
Thought you had lypophrenia
But it was all misleading
At some point your smile was at 100%
Then the world started moving and it slowly chipped away
From 89 to 68 and now you're hoping it will stay
because if it falls below 50 I don't think you'll be able to smile the next day
Not that it matters there hasn't been a reason to smile for about a million yesterdays
I hope that it goes away
this feeling I can't explain
stuck inside my brain
the infinity war to my pain
before my endgame

12.Suicide to save a life
You don't take a life to save a life You're not a god...
I sacrificed myself to save someone else A major flaw Knew I was gonna die so it was suicide without a doubt They say i Died a hero
That's how my death will be played out
Considered to be resting in heaven
but I'm burning in hell
Because I took my own life to save someone else Burdened by this regret because at the time my actions seemed right
Convinced myself all the good guys and the heroes their stories all end well
but I guess each one of us has a different story to tell

13.A book of poems
On that day he spoke to no one
And every day after that it wouldn't matter who spoke to him
cause no matter what anyone said
he would remain dead
Lied to himself saying he was chasing the bread
But he was just stuck in his head
At his best there was still pain in his chest
The hurt that would manifest
No longer impressed
by any of the things that used to Relieve his stress
As if he were a guest in his own mind
unable to press rewind And fix what once was fine

14.Young life
Attracted to those with the broken hearts
And the ill minds
Liked spending my nights on rooftops Shouting out fuck my life
But in the day I was in a dark room hiding from the light Because it's no fun being sad when everything's insanely bright
Play a sad song
volume on full I'll be fine
Bad choices
Good drugs
Worse decisions
Fuck love
Hoodie on
Couple bucks and my phone Ain't nothing I can't take on Since the beginning never expected to live long
Because it felt so right when I was living wrong

15.New kid
Bought back my soul Cause it was starting to take a toll Looking from the outside in Shits better than it's ever been
The people around me make me feel like I'm about to win
A little codeine a little sprite
Being the good kid no longer felt alright
That kids dead he'll forever be off-site
Lost all expectations now life's exciting
Pondering what to do next while I'm writing
Changed my mentality now my life's Actually starting...

And before I realised it I had lost myself first
And life got pointless
The moment living began to hurt
I started seeking ambition
cause that couldn't hurt
But it seems these days everything could bring Out the worst
Then one day you realise it's not your life
It's you
you are the curse And that hurts
There's nothing you can do Because you are you...

17.Secret kept
No suicide but it's do or die
going on till I cry
I told a lie Now I'm hurt inside
Our paths collide But I keep on lying Just trying to hide how I feel inside
But eventually the feelings will fade Right ?
There won't be anymore emotional nights Right ?
No more battles with my heart Right ?
Wrong because I never stopped singing sad Songs
All those days gone but the feelings never left
Like a percocet got addicted now life's a mess
So much stress anxiety I can't express
A hole burning in my chest
The secret kept Will leave nothing left...

18.The cycle
If it's a ghost I see it
A phantom I feel it
Been feeling broken
At this point I bleed it
When it's something I actually Want the hard work you'll see it
The rest of what I do it bears no meaning
The pain conceal it
The happiness reveal it
If it doesn't make you happy then There's no need to keep it
That energy's not needed
You have no reason to fulfill Anyone's expectations
Be aware of your own limitations
Disregard your expectations
Because in this world We never help ourselves
But want to help everyone else
A cycle of the hurt trying to heal the hurt
Creates another cycle of disregarding Self worth
then the cycles just keep Perplexing And the situations becomes depressing
and that'll become the norm Until everyone is torn...

19.Nice enough
Nice guys always finish last
Girls like slut like and broken boys
Good guys are like broken toys
Unwanted and destroyed
But they move on Evolve and repair
When they come back
They'll bring despair
Stomping on your hearts Cause they no longer care
The Anti Valentine's
These were the nice guys
But the world didn't want them When their hearts were kind
So now to all love and emotions they Have turned blind...

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