Godfather? Really? Ah hell.

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Hey !!!! First of all !! Thank you SO much for choosing this story to read ! :D I really appreciate that !! THANK YOU AGAIN !! :D Okay..so I have a request for you guys..PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND FAN. And also...please recommend this story to your friends if you think its good ! :)

Looking forward to seeing your comments and also reviews on the story. I'll update as soon as I get TWO votes atleast ! Thanks guys :D I'm gonna shut up now. :P


I got out of the car and looked up at the clear blue sky. It was a lovely day to go horse riding in the fields. I'd rather do that than go to my parents funeral that was going to take place in an hour.

They left me all alone in this big bad world and they expect me to pay my respects to them ? Mourn for them ? Who do they think they are ? I could feel my anger rising again. I forced myself not to cry. It was hard. Why mom? Why did you leave me and go away?

"Natalia!!" I heard someone call out to me. I turned around to see my mothers sister waving at me. She was a petite woman in her late thirties and she had the same hair colour like my mothers. Reddish blond.

I on the other hand took on my fathers features. I had dark curly hair which went past my shoulders and I had grey eyes like him. God I miss them so much. No Nats ! Don't cry.

She looked at me expectantly. Oh right. I was supposed to answer her back. I put on my fake smile. So fake that even a five year old would know that it was a fake. "Oh hello Aunt Ruby. It feels good to see you here. Thank you so much for coming." I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Oh darling how are you now ? If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always a call away okay sweetheart ?" I nodded. "Sure Aunt Ruby. I'll call you sometime." I fake smiled again. She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes before walking away. As I had passed a few people I heard whispers from them.

"Oh that poor girl."

"Yes. She's been through so much already."

"What's going to happen now that her parents are dead ?"

God! People can't really mind their own business can they ? I walked past them and headed into the church where the service was going to be held. (AN- I really don't know if this is right) 

There were alot of people there. I went around to find the person who was in charge of getting the stuff done for the funeral.  


After a few hours it was time for everyone to leave. They all came to me and told me the same thing.  

"If you need anyone to talk to I'm here." or it was "Take care of yourself."  

It was past the point of my tolerance towards the situation. I didn't know what to do. So I left the place and went home in my car.  

As I walked into the cold empty house I was past the point of feeling anything. My parents are dead. That was all I could think off. Those words kept ringing in my head like some sort of broken alarm that would not shut up. I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt so lost. 

I slowly walked up the stairs and went into my room. I took off the black dress I was wearing and got into the shower.  

I let the scalding hot water hit me and was soon lost in my own thoughts. It went on till I realized that the water had become cold. I switched the shower off and wrapped myself up in a purple bath robe and went into my room. I got my undergarments on and pulled a long tee over it.  

I switched off all the lights around the house and went to bed.

"Mommy mommy! Wake up!" I tried shaking my mom awake. She didn't budge. I was scared. Lost. "Mommy!" I screamed. Pulled at my hair and hitting her chest. She didn't move.  

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