1st Entry: The Prophet Speaks...

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How's it goin'? Good? So-so?

That's good, man. Now, let me tell you how it's REALLY going. Let me tell you what you're doing right now, man. You're sitting there scrolling on your phone, at your computer, maybe lying in bed. Basically, you are wasting time letting your life pass you by. The point is, is you're not being productive. You're not being productive and you're not using your time wisely.
The silver lining in an otherwise dark cloud, is that you've found my words, my scriptures and the blood I have poured into these pages so that you, yes YOU, may find guidance.
Don't worry, friend. No need to put the phone or computer down now. I'm glad you're here, man. That was simply a test to make you realize...to make you register that the world around you is passing you by and you're just letting it slip through your aching fingers. I'm here to help you wake up. So don't leave. Don't you wanna hear about the man in the woods? Don't you want to hear about the man that claimed himself a God and held the will of every man, woman and child in his calloused hands? Of course you do. Of course you do because I have your attention. I've woken you up to the reality that you have been neglecting for so long. I have you yearning to know what this crazy man from a small town in North Carolina has to say. You've found the words and scriptures of the mysterious man in the woods. Read on, man. Read on and feast your eyes on the tales of the man that meets you under the old willow tree. Best believe I have your attention now, man. Stick around, let me tell you a story...

Wretched is the man with the yellow eyes. He is described as having yellow, glowing eyes like that of a cat. Long, red, dreaded hair down his back. Only 6'2'', but intimidating. When he speaks, you listen. He speaks low and raspy. he speaks in riddle and rhyme. He speaks with truth.
          He also has a sympathetic streak for those, like myself, who choose to follow and carry out his teachings. Those who hang on to the words he speaks are his "exceptionals" as he calls us. His words are magical, captivating. His words could save the world, but they could also burn it to the ground.

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