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Forgetting came easy to Eddie this time. He'd done it knowingly before, prepared for it, and it was still inside him like muscle memory. He married Myra. He bought a bigger apartment in New York City. He never visited LA.

Occasionally, he caught Richie Tozier's shows on the television, but the material had changed. It didn't spark any memories like it used to, almost as though it wasn't really him.

Life was something he floated through. It wasn't stimulating, but nothing hurt.

On the other side of the USA, Richie hadn't found it to be such a breeze. Everything was stimulating, too stimulating. Everything hurt, even if he couldn't remember why. He drank more, he smoked more. He stopped writing jokes. Someone did that for him now.

When Mike Hanlon called, ten years after he'd moved from New York City, he threw up. Pennywise's leering face lurched back into his memories with ferocious, voracious venom.

Eddie crashed his car. He packed his bags. He left for Derry.

Eddie and Richie were colliding back together again at full speed, and neither one was aware that the other would be waiting for them in the impact zone.

Mike had asked them to meet at a Chinese restaurant. When Richie arrived, he only saw the back of Eddie's head. Compelled by some intrinsic, teenage impulse, he crashed the gong at the end of the room. Eddie turned, and their eyes met.

Richie felt like he was about to throw up all over again. Eddie felt like he'd crashed his car again. And they both instantly remembered that they'd fallen in love.


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