Chapter3: WalNUT'S

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Rebecca's POV:

I nodded and Lisa left closing the door from behind. I sat back on the chair facing the monitor. I took the mouse into my hands clicked the button to its left and soon the screen brightened indicating it is no more asleep. I swiftly pressed few keys on the keyboard probably, entering the password. The page loaded with two letters 'RE' in a san's serif typeface Officine sans bold font in grey letters and white highlighting. As a part of daily routine, I first checked in the new emails and then the firm's effectiveness reports or analysis whatever you call it is. As usual it's going well. Our firm had a very unique strategic choice it also connects with the major choices and outcomes manifested at the firm level.

Just then the storm, I mean Lisa, mean Ms. Lisa barged open the door with a lightweight and super classy laptop with letters RE on it. It is one of our gadgets, it's been only two years since we stepped into the tech field and we have been doing well. She had a scowl on her face which made her look like an old hag. I held back my laughter and huffed.

"Knock before entering. Did you forget your manners, Ms. Lisa?" I snapped shifting my face towards her old hag face. She immediately stiffened, bringing back her iconic vogue magazine face.

"My apologies mam and there is something else we need to worry about right now" she said in a high-pitched polite tone gritting her teeth.

"What is that something-else-we-need-to-worry-about thing?" I said mocking her tone and interlinking my fingers with elbows perpendicular to the monitor desk.

"Nova-tech" she paused.

"Yeah, what about them?" I snapped unable to bear the silence for 0.2 seconds.

"They are our new partners for a latest production launch- "she paused again.

"I know right, don't beat around the bush" I said annoyed. I am really tensed by her every 0.2 second pauses.

"They are not satisfied with our designs and had trust issues regarding model processing. So, they are sending someone to overlook each and every detail personally. Since it's a million-dollar project they said it needs to be sorted as soon as possible."

"Trust issues? I doubt is it Nova-tech we are talking about? The one who approached us themselves? Looks like Mr. Lorraine lost some his brain cells with age. By the way, who's that someone they are sending?" I said raising my left eyebrow amused by the blame put on us.

"I think that's the most important and may be disappointing thing in this whole conversation" she said again with that old hag scowling face. She again continued "Their heir Mr. Ron Lorraine assisted by the half heir Mr. Tae Fallon" she said gritting her teeth.

I almost choked on the air I was breathing. "The heir and the half heir assistant? Mr. Lorraine definitely lost 50% of his braincells. Where on earth will companies send their heirs to check things like these? As of that heirs as much as I heard the actual one doesn't have any interest in company affairs and is arrogant much and the half heir is a popular flirt" I said as annoyed as Lisa.

"They both are like walNUT'S shell hard to crack yet less useful.

"Indeed, Mr. Lorraine had somewhere, sometime made a spill of tongue to soon hand them his company" Lisa said shrugging her shoulders. "He definitely lost another 25% more braincells" I said rolling my eyes.

"When are they arriving?" I asked calmly. "Within an hour or so" she said gulping down an imaginary lump of saliva down her throat. That was enough to make my eye balls go as wide as they seem to pop out of the sockets. "Did they assume I am some stalker of Nova tech or a fortune teller? This is disrespectful. They should inform us earlier. How could we manage their accommodations?" I said slamming my pale white fists on to the desk and abruptly standing up. Lisa was taken aback by my actions. She took a step back as if she is looking a murderer.

"I-I am sorry ma-am. It-it was sent early in the morning before they boarded" she said stuttering.

"Sorry? That word is very precious, don't use it unless you commit some serious crime. I am not forgiving you for this" I yelled. How could people use that five-letter word so casually?


"Ye-Yes mam" she nodded her voice still stuttering. As much as I tried to control my pitch I couldn't because I am way too concerned about the company reputation and I respect Mr. Lorraine a lot because he is a down -to-earth, successful and kind hearted person. I respect his decisions, his personality and also his every related person.

"How long did they wanted to stay?" I asked now in a calm tone. "Until they feel everything is in good terms" she replied without stuttering. I huffed again. What I am more concerned is their accommodation. "Inform Mr. Wang to meet me asap." I said before leaving the office room and heading towards the team responsible for the designs which Mr. Lorraine was not satisfied with.


who are these walnut nut shells? that's something interesting? i suppose

well TAE FALLON? I am not shipping anyone hehe. May be some of you would understand what i meant. lol. that's a impossible ship even;)

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