Chapter 2: Without Bright and Cheerful Colors

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She is Lisa Patricks, my personal assistant.

Alright...she is my best friend too.

Well... we maintain our personal and professional works apart.

It's her choice she chose to work in that position and I feel very much safe and secure that the person I trust the most holds such important position.

So, she is here at this hour so that we can leave for work together.

"Hey there Ms. Rose" she greeted smiling ear to ear.

"Hey Lisa darling" Ms. Rose greeted cheerfully.

"What's my sexy lady doing?" she said with a flirty tone and sat on a chair closer to mine.

I narrowed my eyes and shot her a glare while drinking the orange juice I was served. I could feel all the maids and Ms. Rose blushing, while I am supposed to be the one.

Ugh...never mind they all got used to her behavior. She often mocks me and blames me for my no-dating life and an expression less face. 

I don't even get the reason for why are we besties, because we are usually like north and south. Of course, likes repel and unlike attract. Theory proven right again.

"Ms. Rose don't you think she will spend half of her groom's money for food?" she said pointing to the breakfast I was having and looking at Ms. Rose with her puppy eyes.

Ugh...drama queen.

I did nothing except rolling my eyes on that and digging into the food.

"May be or may be not. My barbie doll is capable to pay herself and as of food, her groom should be happy to have a health-conscious bride" Ms. Rose said winking at Lisa.

That's my Ms. Rose. I am proud of you. Lisa just pouted on that, other maids just stood there thinking how to react to that.

"Give her some breakfast" I said rolling my eyes again. I know this woman from a long time she often goes for some stupid diets to stay fit. I think that's just gross. You skip food for some stupid flesh? I definitely can't. So, I offer this woman breakfast every day. But guess what? she just skips them too with some lame excuses.

"No...don't. I already ate" she said defensively which I just neglected with a glare.

"I mean no, but I decided I will skip it to have it together with lunch?" she said nervously expecting me to believe that. I am definitely not buying it because by lunch she meant one bowl of stupid salad.

While we were bickering about this, I realized that I am done with eating. I am satisfied with my policy of eating breakfast like a king. Lunch like a queen and dinner like a servant.

I didn't make it up. It already exists.

Suddenly, Lisa stood up and stood right next to me.

"Mam, it's about time. Let's go" she said with a straight yet smiling face. I huffed and stood up. See, I told you she skips eating.

I cleaned myself and stood up pulling out my dark brown shades and putting it on. Lisa pulled out a file from the place she sat and walked along with me to the main entrance. I snapped my fingers and two of my bodyguards opened the doors from the other side.

Me and Lisa stepped outside and were waiting for the driver to arrive. Another bodyguard rushed with an umbrella obviously protecting me from tanning and two others followed him with well-built Glock 22 and M416. I hate scorching sun and are you wondering why these many bodyguards? I am a mafia. Ha-ha I am kidding I am not.

Oops! I forgot to introduce myself. I am ' Rebecca Gowlding , 25, no relationships'

I am the CEO of "RE" an enterprise that has a huge success rate in New York. Well it's a common name. Wondering why not some Gowlding Enterprises, well because this is my f*king company and my clan that has the same surname didn't do any piece of shit in developing it.

I have almost 80% of the shares and remaining 20 were distributed to 5 other parties. Our company had ups and downs and I am thankful for my staff who worked hard along with me to get the company to its present state. I am currently the youngest woman entrepreneur to have a success rate far enough to compete with other popular enterprises. As a matter of fact, this got me rivals too.

I didn't need these bodyguards unless one day there was a big shoot out at my mansion. Luckily, I was then attending an emergency meeting in Lebanon.


Soon my driver arrived with a black limo, followed by a black Innova.

"My Carbona. Missed me?" Lisa said caressing the car.

I just blinked twice frowning. Like seriously, out of all names she pets my car saying it's carbona? Why the hell does she even name it? It's just a car, a limo. I just shrug my shoulders at her.

"Oh, rock lady, I mean mam. It's my thing" she says smiling.

"Yes indeed" I thought to myself.

One of the guards opened the doors for me and Lisa to get into the Limo and those bodyguards got into latter car.

We drove off and reached my work building. Well it is a twenty-five storied building with beautiful infra and interiors. 

As we step out of the car, me and Lisa made our way through the main door. All the employees greeted me a good morning. I just nod and walked straight followed by Lisa.

My office is just like me, without bright and cheerful colors. It had grey walls and black marble and an interior filled with golden yellow color lights with It has grey walls with black tiles. My office looks like IKEA threw up in it . . . except for my black Kathy Ireland computer armoire which houses stacks of paper and office supplies and a bunch of real estate contracts I haven't filed yet. I have a brown-black IKEA corner desk with metal legs, a high-back leather chair, and a laser and ink jet printer on IKEA tables on the opposite wall. I have brown-black IKEA corner book shelves – one shelf has literature and some files and a white couch to the left and a white grey carpet on the floor. If you leaned way back in the chair and cranked your neck hard over, you could see the sky from my office window, delft-blue and cloudless and so bright it looked solid.. I clearly don't like messy things. Just simple yet an aura of domination is all my style.

"I will get your schedule for today mam" Lisa said before leaving.


TCBL represents a successful independent woman who overcomes all sort of humiliations in the society and lives a life of her own. Some of us may be a part of the world where woman are not given the power they deserve but we hope that someday every individual is respected and honored.

Okay back to this chapter, I really loved including Lisa. She is one of a kind :)

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