I. I am your Timekeeper

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The elves were gathered in one area surrounded by cobble houses and tiny huts made of dead leaves and twigs. Joyous for the special day bestowed upon them.

Chief Elf: We, the earth elves are keeping a stable nature. We are the reason why the mortals are living in opulence and harmony. It is our duty to maintain the peace here in the soil which produces life and the higher entities grant us an opportunity to expand our abilities to keep the cycle in order.

All of the Earth elves are smiling and listening intently for the special day they have waited for a very long period of time.

Chief Elf: And now! From a proper selection and guide of divine ritual, I, the 580th Chief Elf Ynloeth, represent you the new Autumn fairy Raabbih. (Jungkook)

The crowd cheered him on as they want for the elf to stand in front of them. A young elf, scared and crestfallen.

Mekhnia: The heck are you shaking like a leaf about Raabbih? Be proud that you're selected to be a fine fairy!

Raabbih: But máthair(mother) , I don't want to forget my memories. They erase every autumn fairy's memory.

The Chief Elf strikes his mighty long staff in the ground to get the elves' attention.

Chief Elf: Don't worry Raabbih, the Earth Elves will remember all the things you contributed for the talamh (land) The divine ritual chose you for a reason. It never made a mistake. There's someone who will keep the memories for you and judge the day when you are ready to remember who you are. But first they need a strong with unyielding heart fairy and that's you Raabbih. You always have a soft spot for everyone and so the time-keeper needs to take the memories away from you for a while to set your mind with one goal, to be the guardian of autumn season.

They accidentally discovered that Raabbih possesses an amount of power that could compete to a standard fairy's.

He is the only grandchild of their line of ancestry, a cheerful and spirit-free entity so his parents anticipated this day will come that their child will be selected as the next Autumn fairy.

Chief Elf Ynloeth: Now is the time for transmutation.

Raabbih stepped inside the flower petals circle with a seal of Earth elf underneath and the elves starts to hum in a patterned tone as a part of transmutation.

Meknia: Son, we always love you. We will see you again.

Raabbih: I love you máthair, athair. (mother, father) I will protect this world.

He closed his eyes and Ynloeth placed his hand on Raabbih's head and chanted in ancient language.

Chief Elf Ynloeth: Raabbih, every small matter is a part of a greater flow.

That was the last sentence he heard before his whole body crystallizes.

Year 1,000 BC, the humankind was living in prosperity and peace. They were granted with unlimited supply of resources. They explored the four corners of the Earth to discover what more lies to those wealth of nature that we're given to them and immediately expanded the numbers of civilization.

Unknown to their knowledge, there are hidden entities who were guarding the motherland and observing the cycle of life, ecosystem and behavior of the old civilization.

They were known as Earth Elves.

Earth elves were only folktales passed through the word of mouth but sometimes mistakenly identified as gnomes since Earth Elves are formed in small-sized bodies like midgets. No one really knows how Earth Elves appeared in the world and yet the old civilization decided to give gratitude by offering dance tributes during the quarter of Earth's revolution.

2nd Book: Jungkook the Autumn FairyWhere stories live. Discover now