*The Trade*

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That's when I discovered I was in a small cage underground or maybe in a bag I was unsure. I heard vioces from above me. It was to men talking about some project , Mostly stuff I either did not get or did not want to get. They talk about shipping me off to another state or something like that. They must have been from the USA they had that southern kind of accent. 

I look around for something to poke through the cage it must have been or something it did not seem that strong , though it was strong enough to keep me inside long enough. I finally found a small piece of rubber that I pushed through the cage I saw outside millions of tiny boxes just like mine I wish I could see what was in them I wanted to know if Lana was in one but I knew it would be a long time before I would see her next. 

The next thing I saw was a terror two larges hands picking up my box and loading it on to the ship like a sea gull yanks a fish out of water. I closed my eyes worried to see what was next but I opened my eyes after a loud crash then saw two men shouting at each other something about the new port being closed , I had no idea what was going on all I knew that I got caught up in something big and when I say big I don't mean nothing good.

I must have fallen asleep or something like that but when I woke up I light burst through the hole in my box it look like a small port of the coast of LA I had never been but I knew this place from a documentary this was the old port they used to smuggle things in. I never thought there would be smuggling in such a modern city like LA but I am proven wrong. 

The next thing I knew I was getting loaded on to a truck that had the logo @=SL , I had never seen it before but somehow I felt like it was stowed away in my Brian but I don't know what from maybe as I was a younger kid or something. 

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