Meme 12

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Lucy: Finally someone says something about that!

Ezra: How dare you boys do that when I'm not looking.

Natsu: Were sorry!

Gray: Yeah!

Ezra: I was being sarcastic. But since your so sorry you can help Mira clean the guild for a week.

Gray: Alright..

Natsu: Whatever you say..

Milliana: Wow you guys are getting punished by having to clean!?

Jellal: Yeah they are. Is that not normal?

Sho: No not really.

Erza: Then you guys must be insane.

Wally: Not really we just never clean.

Mira: Why do I have to be punished with Natsu and Gray's presence.

Levy: Is no one going to say anything else about how they always fight when Erza isn't here or isn't looking??

Gajeel: Shh, quiet shrimp. We don't wanna make erza angry.

Levy: You have a valid point.

Wendy: Well I don't think Erza is that bad guys.

Gajeel: What are you talking about? She is the devil!

Levy: Especially when she's angry!

Carla: I can agree she is bad but I can't agree she is the devil.

Happy: I can agree that Erza is the devil!

Erza: What are you guys talking about over there?

Levy: Oh nothing!!

Gajeel: Yeah it's nothing!

Happy: They were saying you were the devil.

Wendy: Happy!

Carla: Tom-cat!

Levy: Why would you do that!?

Gajeel: I am gonna kill you cat!

Jellal: You aren't wrong when you say she is the devil.

Everyone else: Wat?

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