Meme 11

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Natsu: Yes. I am fabulous!

Gray: Yeah we both are man.

Natsu: Definitely!

Lucy: Yeah you both are fabulous we get it.

Natsu: Oh you are just jealous we are more fabulous than you.

Lucy: I am not!

Wendy: Lucy could be more fabulous than you guys any day!

Sting: You two are not fabulous.

Rouge: Well I don't know. Frosch what fo you think.

Frosch: I think Lucy is more fabulous!

Rouge: Okay then I think Lucy is more fabulous.

Laxus: You people are so weird.

Mira: They aren't weird! Just quirky!

Bixlow: Sure, sure. "Quirky."

Carla: I honestly don't understand you people.

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