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You're a Bennett witch, right?

Kai x Reader

WARNINGS: violence, swearing


Imagine finding out about the white oak steaks before anyone else, and Klaus's witch being from the Gemini coven. You're on your way to tell the MF gang about the stake when your car crashes and you wake up in Kai's prison world.

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, the blinding daylight making her shield her eyes with her hand. She could feel the gritty gravel beneath her skin and she climbed up from the floor. Y/n was standing in the middle of a road. In mystic falls. But no one was there. Where was everyone? How did she get here? Only one reason cams to mind. Klaus. He must've dumped her here after she figured out how to kill him.

She was on her way to tell Damon. Just as she got back into mystic falls her car mysteriously crashed and she heard klaus's witch incessantly chanting some spell. The next thing she new everything went black and she woke up in some kind of empty world. At least her wounds had healed.

Y/n decided to head further into town - maybe there would be people there and it was all just some illusion. As she reached the town square she was getting less and less hopeful as not a soul could be found. Y/n also checked a few houses on her way to see if people were in them but she found nothing but over-used toothbrushes and old 90s TVs, which she thought was a little odd as most of the mystic falls residents seemed to own newer ones. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

Upon reaching the Grill, y/n decided to grab a drink as she'd probably take a little while to figure out how to get out of this strange place. She walked into the bar and flicked her wrist, expecting a bottle to fly into her hand but nothing happened. Huh. She tried again. Nothing. Y/n raised her hand and focused on a random chair.

"Invisique." She said. Still, nothing. Maybe there was no magic here too.

"That's convenient." Y/n muttered sarcastically. She leant over the bar and grabbed a bottle and a glass, pouring a generous amount into the cup. The barstool whined as she subtly swayed from side to side, the crystal-like surface of the drink rippling into steady waves as a tear trickled down my cheek and plummeted into the cool liquid. Frustration was bubbling in her brain and all her emotions were blurring into one. Just as she was about to bring the glass to lips a crippling pain washed through her and the glass fell to the bar, smashing and sending pieces of glass everywhere. The pressure on her shoulder was still there and the pain was still present.

"Huh, so she does have magic." A voice mused behind her. Y/n whipped her head round as the pain subsided. There was a young man, probably in his early 20s stood behind her with a shit-eating grin. He was very handsome, with brown hair and gorgeous blue-grey eyes.

"What did you do to me? And what do you mean by I do have magic?" She questioned harshly before adding, "and who are you?" She asked the boy. He smiled to himself and looked up at her.

"Sorry, manners. I'm Malachi but I go by Kai because who in their right mind calls a kid Malachai." He said with a tone of disgust, holding out his hand for her to shake.  Y/n starred at it but refused to touch him again. His face dropped in disappointment and he retracted his hand. "To answer your other questions, I siphoned you. I absorbed your magic so I kind of just, like, ate it." He laughed to himself. "And you are our ticket out of here. A witch with magic and Bennett blood." Y/n nodded slowly, processing. Huh. This kid seemed dangerous but his appearance said otherwise. I'm not a Bennett Witch, she thought. She was about to say it but decided to hold back the information, in case that was the only reason she was alive. He had got to be in here for something bad, and the chances of murder were looking high.

"That I am." She smiled, reciprocating his enthusiasm. He grinned again and sat in the stood next to her. "What is this place?" Y/n blurred out. Kai thought for a second before responding. "It's a prison world. It's like a snapshot of May 10th, 1994, on repeat for all eternity. No one else here." 1994? No wonder everything seemed so old. She nodded and asked more questions, curiosity taking over. "How long have you been here? Why are you here? How do we get out?" He laughed slightly at her forward ness. "I will answer all those, but first, I'm wondering why you're here. I mean Bennett witches are always the good ones, so why are you here?"

"Well there's this Original vampire called Klaus and he's been trying to kill me and all my friends and we thought he was unkillable until today, when I discovered this white oak stake can. So I was on my way to tell my friends when my car crashed and his witch started chanting and next thing ya know, I'm here." Y/n tried to explain best she could. Kai looked at her intently. "Huh, cool. To answer your questions, I've been here 15 years, your blood and magic and this thing called an ascendant," he paused and pulled something out his pocket, waving it a bit, "are the key to get out. And as for why I'm here, I'm not sure you're quite ready for that yet, sweetheart." He said. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"1) don't call me sweetheart and 2) you'd be surprised, I've fought off all kinds of things worse than some sloppily-dressed, teenage boy who's stuck in some supernatural alternate reality." She scoffed. He raised his eyebrows, "oh yeah, like what?" He challenged. She rolled her eyes again. "Hmm, let me see, we'll start simple, vampires, werewolves, warlocks, let's not forget the original vampires, oh and did I mention the hybrid? Half wolf half vampire?" His eyes widened for a second before his cocky demeanour was back.

"Okay, I killed half my siblings, tried to kill two more and cut my twin sister's spleen out." Y/n was actually shocked for a second. So he did do something bad. "So what are you? You're not human and you're not a vampire or werewolf." He chuckled slightly, "like I said before, I'm a siphon. I'm basically a witch who's born without Margaux but I can absorb it from other things, like you for example." He raised his hands to either side of my face but didn't actually touch me, an orange glow emitting from my cheeks and he made a face of pleasure (GIF above). When he was done he pulled his hands back, "motis." He muttered, a glass flying into his hand. "Like that." He smiled.


Later that day... "So if we use the ascendant here, the eclipse will take us back home." Kai spoke as he walked. He stood still over a leafy patch in the clearing and turned to face me. "So how do I come into this?" I ask, stopping a few feet in front of him. "Well, your blood with go on the ascendant and your magic is what we're using to activate it." I nodded, stepping forward and getting the ascendant from him. He lent into me and grabbed my forearm. "Not long now." He grinned. I swapped and nodded. Now he was creeping me out. We both looked up as the sun began to Aline and I sliced my palm with the ascendant, squeezing some of my blood onto of this. "You remember what to say?" He pried. I nodded and started chanting, feeling Kai's eyes on me the whole time.

The eclipse ended. We were still stood there. Kai let go of my wrist and screamed, kicking a near by tree. "It didn't work? Why didn't it work?" He shouted. I stood there, stunned. He turned around and walked back over to me, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "WHY DIDN'T IT WORK? Goddamn it y/n!" He screamed in my face. "I don't know." I said quietly. "She had the ascendant, we had the celestial event, we had the magic, we had the Bennett b-blood..." he trailed off, "You are a Bennett witch, right?" He looked into my eyes. "RIGHT?!" I shook my head. He shoved me back and screamed again. "It's all your fault! Now there's no way out!" He screamed at me. I gulped and stayed down, scared of what he would do. He strode over to me and grabbed my throat, lifting me up. "You are gonna pay for that." He whispered in my ear. Fear shot through me. Oh shit.

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