Strange obsessions

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     Ukai pulled the car into his driveway, his house was pretty nice nothing special though. One plus though was the large bathtub in his room.

    "C'mon get your ass out of the car unless you just wanna sleep there tonight." Ukai teased with a smile, he saw the door open and Takeda slowly get out. His face and movement clearly showed he was exhausted.

     Ukai unlocked the door letting Takeda in. He headed to the bed room which consisted of a king sized bed which he told Takeda to lay on while he ran some bath water.
     Ukai walked into the bathroom turning the hot water all the way up and the cold water only half way up. He lit a few scented candles placing them around the bath, adding a bit of bath salts too, he never really used them unless he was extremely stressed.

     Once the bath was full he walked back into the bed room. He slowly picked up Takeda caring him to the bathroom bridal style and sitting him on the counter.

     "Doesn't a bath sound nice? I'm sure it'll help calm you down especially with your handsome boyfriend joining you!" Ukai giggled, giving Takeda a few soft kisses on the neck. He continued giving him small kisses all the way up his neck to his cheek, moving to his lips. Upon reaching his lips he lingered on them for a short while before sensually kissing him. The kiss began to become more hungry but Ukai stopped suddenly leaving  Takeda confused.

    "That's not what we're supposed to be doing, you know? Haha, now let's get these pesky clothes off you." Ukai began to unbutton Takeda's shirt while Takeda just couldn't keep his eyes off Ukai, in his eyes he was so pretty. A hard exterior with the softest interior.

     Soon enough his shirt and pants were off leaving him in just his underwear, Ukai held the hem of Takeda's boxers in his fingertips. Takeda wasn't super fit nor was he out of shape, he had a perfect slender body and Ukai could never get enough of it. Though he usually hated showing affection yet he swung his arms around Takeda's torso which caught the elder off guard. Though Takeda eventually realized what was going on and couldn't hold back his bright smile. Takeda wrapped his arms around Ukai's shoulders and laid his head on top of his, a couple of giggles falling from his lips as Ukai's cheeks burned with a bright red blush.

     "I thought you were joining me in the bath why are you still fully dressed?" Takeda spoke finally.

     Ukai released him from his grasp, he quickly threw his shirt over his head and onto the floor behind him. Takeda's eyes widened at Ukai's fit figure, he knew he had been working out but lord it was just too much. Ukai then continued to take off his belt and jeans. Finally both of the men were left with an equal amount of cloth on their bodies.

     "We even now specs?" Ukai raised an eyebrow.

     Takeda laughed and jumped off the counter taking off his last price of clothing leaving him completely naked.

     "Not exactly." He smirked pointing to the blondes boxers.

     "What did you think I was getting in with them on?" Ukai laughed with red cheeks.

     "Then why are they still on, huh?" Takeda knew exactly why he purposely left them on and he loved the fact that it was because of him.

     "Shut it, specs!" Ukai snarled and look them off, covering his face in embarrassment. His teeth clenched but his mouth was open just enough to see his canines.

    "You act like I've never seen you turned on. What's the matter, huh?" Takeda teased, only making the situation worse for Ukai. It was usually him doing the teasing but he knew he wasn't in the position to at the time.

    "Want me to take care of it? Hmm?" Takeda bent down waiting for an answer.

     "This was supposed to be a relaxing bath!" Ukai scolded looking down to see Takeda inches away from his friend. His eyes shot open. They hadn't really had time alone for a while with nationals right around the corner.

    "That's not an answer, baby. Yes or no? It's simple." Takeda sassed his lover. He trailed his hands down Ukai's sides leaving them at his hips softly massaging them.

    "Ughh, when did you start with this 'baby' shit? Fuck! Fine yes, take care of what you started." Ukai felt like he had been touch deprived his whole life and Takeda's touch always jolted him like a shock.

     "There you go. I see why you like taking charge so much Ukai, it's quite fun!" Takeda gripped Ukai's dick in his hands, lewd noises coming from Ukai as Takeda did his damage. Takeda soon took him in his mouth. It fit perfectly and they both loved it.

    "Goddamn specs, when did you get so good at this! You been holding back on me, is that it?" Ukai scolded though moans, Takeda wasn't the only one relaxing.

     Soon enough Ukai came closer and closer to his climax, one last touch of Takeda's tongue sent him over the edge.

     "Holy fuck! Specs, you've got to do this more often. What have I been missing out on, ugh!!" He growled as he used tissue to clean up Takeda's mouth. Takeda only looked up at this taller boyfriend with puppy eyes and soft smile.

     "Okay seriously though, I promised you a bath. The waters gonna get cold." Ukai spoke as he grabbed Takeda's hand leading him into the water...

Hard Waters (Ukai x Takeda) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon