Dangers At The Lake

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Nate, Jinpei and the rest go to the lake immediately.
'There is no Mirapo here but at least Momo is a fast transport.' Nate thinks.
Above the lake, there is a big floating silvery object with a big N at the bottom.
'UFO!!!' Ranto shouted.
'Is it USO or Ghoulfather? She will definitely be very excited seeing this.' This thought pops into Nate's mind.
A light comes out of the UFO and some black aliens come out of it.
'Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!' Nate screamed.
The aliens group together and suddenly a big black alien with silver linings on its body appears. The big alien attacked the students nearby and the YSP club.
'Come out, my friend! Hungramps! Yokai Medal, set on!' Nate put in the medal and shouts. Hungramps comes out and attacks the alien. He opened his mouth and blows out a stinky purple gas that makes the alien faints for a short time.
During that small period of time, Jinpei transforms into Blue Moon, Koma into Little Komander, Fubuki into Clock Lady, Mataro into Shining Boy, Kyubi into Ninetails and Ranto into Deep Shadow Galaxy. They attack the alien but they do not hurt it a lot. Nate stands by the side and sees them all transformed and makes his suspicion about the academy more stronger. As he was thinking, a medal comes out of the YSP watch ver.k and Nate picks it up and the medal has the words 'Fuu3' on it.
'It can't be my yokai form but stronger. Just summon it no matter what' Nate puts in the medal and a bright light appears.
The transformation song is playing and Nate is shocked. He twists the watch face and he transforms! Fuu3 comes as the light fades. It is just Fuu2 but with legs and the star-shaped hole becomes a red part of his body and a red cape is a part of the hero. The others are shocked as Fuu3 attacks the alien and does huge damage to it. He finishes it off with a kick to its chest and defeats th big alien. All the heroes return back to normal and everyone raises Nate up into the sky saying 'Good job for defeating the alien!' as Nate scratches his head, don't understand why he transforms into a hero.

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