Unveiled Past

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Arius does not bother to turn his head when the bed dipped slightly at the burden of a new weight just behind him. There is only one person who can easily pass the barrier he sets up around the bedroom after the surprising but not shocking assassination attempt last time. And there will be no more of it after today.

"You shouldn't sit in the dark like this, Arius. I know it's night but don't you think it was too early to sleep?" Emrys joked casually. Truth be told, Arius is not sleeping as he simply sitting at the end of the huge bed and not laying down. The area where Arius is sitting right now is where the moonlight can only shine upon but not that Emrys can see his expression as he is back-to-back with his twin. The rest of the bedroom is shrouded in darkness.

Arius stays silent, not bothering to reply to the joke. He continues to face the open window and does not turn to his brother. The younger twin simply sighed.

"They are all dead, Arius. To regret their death is simply pointless at this point. They deserved it for what they did for the past 20 years, " continued Emrys. He eyed his twin's hunched back. Actually at loss to say anything more to him at the moment.

"Do you think what we did was right, Emrys?" Arius suddenly asked. His voice sounds tired and wary as his blonde fringes covered his expression.

The black-haired boy remained silent before opening his mouth.

"I don't know."

They were supposed to be just two normal kids.  At their age, they supposed to enjoy their youth with the presence of their family, polish their skills for their future careers as magicians, start to learn how to handle their liquor intake when their dad undoubtedly will drag them to the bar after their 18th birthday just a month away as other fathers did to their friends. They should explore a new field called romance just like the sickly in love boys in their village did the moment they are considered an adult. Maybe Arius would start to think how to subtly court the hot-tempered but kind redhead girl next door who he frequently teased whenever he saw her at the market and Emrys would flirt with the village chief's youngest daughter who often stopped by at the bar in the morning to sell her delicious handmade snacks.

But they are not normal kids. They were simply raised as normal children. The cursed imperial blood runs strongly in their veins and it embedded itself in their cursed jeweled eyes. No matter how far Athanasia tried to hide their heritage, they see it every day when they look in the mirror. Every time they stared at their mother and sisters' own jeweled eyes. The suffocating feeling as if they were choked by leashes of a secret every time they need to cover their eyes whenever they step foot outside their house. The unfairness they both felt for not being allowed to be in their true self even with their closest friends.

They were sick and tired of all of it. They were sick of the royal drama Jennette forced themselves into when she made it compulsory for all magicians to go to the palace. The disgust that manifested in them when they watched the Emperor and the fake princess moved on with their life as if executing their mother was a small mistake. Fully enjoying their life in luxury while their family needs to work to feed themselves. The anger simply increased with time when Jennette casually stated that their family's worth is so low that it was a great honor for them that she wanted to adopt Arius without asking for his opinion. The hatred that is rooted deep in their chest for themselves for not feeling the slightest guilt for preparing Jennette and others' execution stage because their parents didn't raise them to be like that.

Their parents didn't raise them to be like that.

They were taught that humans feel emotions. They can laugh when happy, they can cry when sad and they can yell when mad. But no excuse can be given if they hurt people for no right reason.

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