The Surrogate Grandmother

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Emrys was laying down on the soft bed when the door opened roughly from outside.The noise is loud enough to startle Neith and Rusty from their game of tag.The dark-haired magician raised an eyebrow at his twin's darkened expression.

This is odd.Arius is not smiling must means that an apocalypse is not as far as he thought it would be.

Arius silently glanced at his twin before throwing his magician cape to the nearby chair. "It took you long enough to come here,"the blonde huffed before sinking in the chair.At the unusual glare from the older twin,Emrys' confusion escalated higher.

He scratched his black hair casually, "Something came up when I was at the Black Tower.I found out something disgusting there."

Now it's Arius' turn to be confused and curious. "What is it?"

Emrys stared right at Arius. "A rat,"before the blonde could question him,he resumed, "Specifically speaking,a rat who refused to die and still running around in a world he doesn't supposed to be."

The older twin tapped his finger on the armrest. "A resurrection spell,isn't it?"at his brother nod,he said, "A pretty nasty spell.Must be a huge price to pay to make it work.Anyone outside the palace you suspected?"

Emrys remained silent for a few moments before answering, "I don't have anyone in mind right now but I suspected someone from the Alpheus mansion.It really stink of black magic on its main building.The duke must have protected someone troublesome to the throne if the greedy old man went to such lengths to hide him in his personal space."

"Ever tried to break into the building?"inquired Arius casually.

"Nope.The barrier around the mansion is stronger than the palace's barrier at the moment.Not to mention it was also laced with black magic.An ant surely triggered the barrier if it ever tried to break in.We need to set up a trap somewhere else,"answered Emrys as a frown marred his forehead.Arius simply nodded at the suggestion.

The younger twin fixed his sitting position on the bed. "Enough about that.How about you?It seems like other things from the assassination attempt are weighing on your mind."

Arius sighed when he remembered the problem created by Jennette. "The princess and the consort wants to adopt me as their son."

If Emrys is sipping a cup of water at the moment,he will surely spray it directly to Arius. "What?!Is she crazy or simply stupid?"

The blonde eased himself on the bed next to his twin.Crossing his legs,he replied, "She is probably an idiot.She is too naive for her age that she made the thick line between naivety and stupidity seemed thin.The princess can be easily dubbed the spoiled brat of the empire."

The dark-haired twin nodded absentmindedly, "She probably is if she wants to make you as her child.Even Dad would leave you in the streets if you're not his biological son,"joked Emrys.Arius answered to the jest with a smack on his brother's face with the pillow nearest to him.

The younger twin laughed as he simply pushed the pillow aside.Arius scoffed when no bump appeared on his twin's forehead.It looks like the palace's pillows is too soft to be used as a weapon.

It was the perfect thing to suffocate Emrys' face during his sleep later though.

"Don't just point that at me.Dad meant both of us when he said that,"retaliated the blonde as his brother simply shrugged.

"Mom and Dad are very worried for us,you know?They even send Felix to look after us in the palace,"Emrys said calmly while observing their magical beasts playing around the room. Rusty is enduring Neith's annoying flapping of her wings on her face as the owl seems to scold her.It's scary to see that even the two acted like siblings to each other.

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