Chapter 3

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(Third person pov)
*3 months later*"I'll never forget that we left New York City, the Kranng defeated us, Leo got badly hurt Master Splinter is gone we lose. we have no where else to go so me and my friends camp in the woods for a day until Mikey met Mileena, she let us stay at her farmhouse and heal Leo probably. Mikey goofs around alot, but he does all the chores around the house, but sometimes he goofs off. Donnie build a lab in the barn to make a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo, Raph stays in the bathroom keeping an eye on Leo when he wakes up, and there is me April O'neil I helping train the turtles and writing in my journal I miss New York, my Sensi, my dad hopefully Leo will heal up soon and life Master Splinter would say must continued on" April thought, after April finish writing her journal April hopes that Leo wake up soon.
(Mileena pov)
I was in the kitchen making my aunt Lyna famous Borealis tea sometimes I really want to tell them I am not from Earth, but I have to keep it a secret to keep them safe from any danger so after I was finishing making aunt Lyna Borealis tea, I went to open the cabinet and grab 5 cups to put them on the tray then I started pouring the tea in each cup. I finish pouring the tea I pick up the tray and carried it outside to give the other's when I was outside I saw everyone was training, I am just proud that Leo found a great family who look out for each-other then I saw April defeat Raph at one punch" I am close to be a Kunoichi" April said, I didn't got the chance to hear what Mikey said I look at the other direction and saw Donnie and Casey still fighting each-other, but it's kinda looks like they are fighting for something then April broke the fight so anyway I walk over to them" Hey guys I brought you guys some drinks so I thought you guys were thirsty" I said," Thanks Mileena we are kinda getting thirsty anyway" Donnie said, everyone grabs their cup then starting drinking the tea and they are started to love the my aunt Lyna's Borealis tea except Mikey already like my aunt tea since we first met" Wow Mileena this drink is delicious where did you learn how to do it" April said," I actually learn from one of my mother's friends name Lyna who acts like a aunt to me so she taught me how to make one of her fabulous tea's this is one of her special tea's she made" I said," That is amazing Mileena so what is the ingredients for your aunt's tea" April questioned," Sorry the ingredients is the secret even though these are my aunt Lyna famous tea's in her home country" I said, the last part was a lie because I don't want them to know that My family even my mom friends are from the same home planet where me and Leo were used to raised at until here on Earth where aunt Iris was raised, but in the different city until I heard Raph starting talking about their master/father and Leo even though I didn't got the chance what their saying" Master Splinter is gone Mikey and Leo will never wake up, I need to go check on Leo" Raph said, Raph head back to the farmhouse to check on Leo or should I say watch over Leo until when he wakes up soon or later so everyone headed back inside, but Donnie head to barn to the finishing touch of the medicine for Leo until when my twin brother wakes up. I went to the back of the farmhouse and head to the woods without anyone knowing where I was going to when I got to the location I see two gravestones covering both sides with different flower's even right under the sunlight shines so I kinda walk over there and I sit on ground with my knees when I look up at the two stones they say Talia Kratts and Kyle Kratts, a loving husband and wife, wonderful mother and father' on the gravestones. Those gravestones were actually my parent's gravestones" Hi mom and dad I got some wonderful news to tell you my brother Leo has returned, but he is in the coma for the past 3 months mother and father, I am worried that he won't able to wake up ever since Leo was attack by Shredder himself who was sent to destroy me and my brother and I figured it out who send him it was Praxina herself the one who took over our home, I want to destroy the Shredder a.k.a Oruko Saki myself so bad after what he did to my brother. I know it's not the way even though it's not justice it's actually vengeance to get revenge, I just hope that my brother will wake up soon or later* placing two bouquets front of gravestones* I brought you some flowers again mother and father I really wish you were here right now giving me advice what to do I really miss you guys so much, I have to go mom and dad I will see you soon I promise" I said, I left and headed back to the farmhouse, but little I know that someone was watching and I don't know who it was so I ignored it and continued headed to the farmhouse.
(Donnie pov)
I was watching everything what Mileena said right front of her parents gravestones, but I was in shocked that Leo is actually Mileena twin brother plus she was from other planet even she already lost her parents, but she doesn't want to lose Leo in her list. That is reason why she was super worried about Leo how bad Leo's injuries are and she actually know who is the Shredder is, but that leads the only questioned is Mileena a friend or a foe I just don't know Mileena is kind, caring and the most helpful even she actually let us stay at her home as long as we like until Leo is probably healed so I have to ask her where she actually came from and how she did she and her family got here on Earth in the first place. I started to head back to the farmhouse when I head inside I saw Mileena in the kitchen making dinner so I entered the kitchen" Hey Mileena can I ask you something" I said," Hi Donnie sure what do you want to ask" Mileena answered," Is it true that Leo is your twin brother" I said, Mileena froze for a second then turned around" H-how did you know that" Mileena questioned," I actually heard you talking at your parents gravestones" I answered, I watch as Mileena closed the two entrances so no one can hear us" Alright what you heard is actually true Leo is my twin brother even we were from our home planet plus me and Leo are royals from the kingdom" called Xeris" Mileena said, I was in complete shock that Leo is not our brother and he is the member of the royal family Mileena, she started continued what she is saying even the image change to looks like the throne room or something" This is where my parents were sitting well use to until Praxina shows up, no one knows what happened to my father, but she succeed to destroy my mother plus Praxina doesn't know that my mother sent me and my twin brother Leo to Earth for our protection and safety" Mileena said, I saw the image change again and this time it's a image of Mileena, Leo and their mother' Mileena, Leo my beautiful children' she said," Is that you and Leo even when he was a human" I asked," Yes Donnie that is him before he became a mutant" Mileena said, the image of her mother and her twin brother disappear" If that's Leo and that means" I said," He is a prince, but he is not the next heir to the throne he has to choose the path own his own until I figured he found his path and that is you guys, me and my twin brother were sent to Earth for our protection, but that protection came to the end when Shredder found out that me and my twin brother are still alive, so Praxina sent him to find me and my twin brother to destroy us, but he never succeed to find us until now" Mileena said," That's when Shredder badly hurt Leo during the invasion from the Kranng right" I said," That is correct Donnie, but you never seen Leo used his magic before have you or your brothers" Mileena questioned," No me, Raph, and Mikey never see him use magic in our life's" I answered," The only reason why he never show you or the others of his magic because he is keeping all of you safe from his and mine danger even we are at war from me and my twin brother mom's enemy from our home kingdom" Mileena said," Thank you for telling me this Mileena I really appreciated even to know what is really happening to your home kingdom, so I was thinking maybe me and family even friends to help you and Leo get your kingdom back from Praxina" I said," Really you mean it" Mileena said," Yes Mileena I really mean it" I said," *hugs Donnie* Thank you so much Donnie that means alot to me *let go of Donnie* I just wish that Leo is wake up sooner or later I am getting worried if he never wakes up" Mileena said sadly," Leo will wake up I know him he is the strong ninja in my life I promise he will break through his coma" I said," Thank you Donnie that makes me happy" Mileena said," If you need to talk to someone I will be at the barn" I said," Okay Donnie I will let you know" Mileena said, I left the kitchen and headed outside back to the barn to finish the final touch of the medicine, I just hope that Leo will wake up sometime right now or later.

To Be Continued. . . . 

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