Chapter 6

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Bank's throat hurt from the inside, dry and hot, and each tiny movement pained his throat to agony as if shaved metal were forced down his windpipe. Bank groaned, all the while feeling his surroundings. He lay on his back, eyes closed, red burning spots seeping through from a midday scorching sun. The pain was unbearable. Water.

His energy reserves was minimal, not even enough to move his hand limp arms. He lay there, eyes moving behind closed lids, using the little energy he had to process his situation.

What happened? Where am I?

Bank felt the wind on his skin.

If it wasn't for the heat beaming down upon him, he wouldn't have realized the obvious. It couldn't be avoided. His skin boiled from the surface, cooking very slowly. His balls were sweaty, and he hated that feeling. He hated that damn feeling of not being clean. But worst of all he knew he was naked.

Sweat perfumed from every crevice on his body.

His neck felt the dirtiest. It felt grimy. Thick and closed over with something. Stiff and scratchy.

No hangover but the heat was dizzying.

No one in the vicinity that he could hear.

He kept his eyes closed. Not for rest, but because he was truly afraid of what he would would have to remember.

Thoughts tumbled in a knot through his mind. Thoughts then wondered to more recent memories.

The sensation of being naked brought up the video to the forefront. The last few weeks he'd rush into the bathroom at every chance and abused his appendage over the toilet over that video, over and over again. Bank couldn't stop. It wasn't something that he wanted to actualize. The video just happened. He remembered asking Asiah to push up her mini bedtime shorts[Have to go back and reveal her age in Chapter 5, change her dialogue to something a 13 year old would sound like.

Also put names for Iris her older sister of 16.] up against her bottom, revealing the curvature lines that made of up her growing teen bottom. She thought it was a game, father and daughter bonding, but soon the look on her face spoke of unknown territory. But even still, just thinking about it... he felt his limp, sweaty cock growing slightly. He forced it back. What was he doing? That should have never happened, and the fuck was Kayla buying shorts that small for their daughters?

Fuck, he thought. Why did I do that?

And why couldn't he stop thinking about it. Why the fuck did he feel ashamed and so damn sick. Why is it so fucking hot out here? His neck burned. Something crawled on his thigh. He ignored it.

The pain on his neck burned him.

Bank's anger rose and so did his hand toward his neck, and his nails returned with scab crust mixed with a dapple of blood from the freshly opened wound.

His neck was open! He was losing blood. No, he already lost blood. How much?

A deep wound meant to kill. His bloody fingers imprinted themselves ghostly hot over his vision as the bright sun stared back at him.

The bottom of his back felt broken, muscles aching. Hard ground does that to you. How long had he been lying broken like a highway junkyard vehicle? The single thought of dying surged him with newfound energy.

As he shimmied nervously he felt a cube of ice pick at his skin.

He elbowed his way upright. Blood dripped to his hairy chest. From what he saw, there was nothing but dirt and sand behind him. There were rocks and little to no foliage. Some type of desert. It was almost like California, but not quite. No people, no stores. And the air smelled funky. To his right, there was a small but steep cliff, a good two miles out. Impossible for him in this condition. But from up there he could probably see further out in all directions. He had to survive. And plugging the gap in his neck seemed a good first step.

A red insect crawled over is knee, up over to the other side and continued on its path. Bank stared at it a while. Memories came a-knocking. Bank had met with that girl from the App. He was hesitant at first because she said that her parents were at work. They could have returned anytime. It was risky.

She was young, or at least that's what her profile said. In reality, she seemed more professional than the average adult. There was something off about her, but he had already entered the home to second his choice. She had the look of a teenager. That she lived with her parents was questionable, but then he saw it. There was the parent's room and then there was her room. The trouble to stage such a thing to Bank was unfathomable. She did live with her parents and Bank was going to fuck a young daughter of some unknown man right in his home.

After taking Asiah's video, he just had to experience it. He couldn't put the video down, and maybe this would help. Was he losing his mind. Why couldn't he delete it? It was something primal. Some beast inside him had wanted this. He guessed that most men did, but only a few actually took the calling to find an actual source. Bank was an action man. That's what provided Kayla, Iris and Asiah with a gated community lifestyle. Not to say that Kayla didn't make money or contribute. She was good at her job...


Kayla... she would be looking for him! That gave him a dose of hope. But it also frightened him. She could uncover anything and most likely will discover everything.

He wanted to survive, but the blood dripping down his neck brought him back to reality. Bank never witnessed so much blood from his body before. Anger started to rise again. He clutched the mixture of sand and dirt around him, wanting to grab something and just choke it to death. His hands came back with packed dirt. It was tight and solid, with enough force.... it might just work well. He looked around for a pebble. Found one and dropped it in his mouth. This caused his mouth to salivate. He spat several times down to the dirt between his legs. He packed it tighter and started to close the open slit of his neck. He packed it down deep. It burned, but it would save him. If only he could find something to wrap it shut. He settled to holding pressure over it.

Slowly, he rose using his other hand to climb up to his feet. To his surprise, lying where his back rested, covered by dirt, he saw a rectangular body. He would make it! The screen was cracked and rising up from the corner of the metal body, but still intact. The cold sensation he felt earlier was the metal backplate. He pushed the home button, but the overheat symbol flashed. It was too hot to power on. Shade.

Bank narrowed his eyes, looking for shade. Just the cliff sprung from the ground. No trees or anything. The shadow pointed at 1 o'clock outside the cliff of the small mountain. He would have to walk to the cliff and then some to reach the shadowed space.

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