Chapter 5 (scene break)

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Time finally elapsed. Kayla dialed 911. Having their help almost meant nothing, knowing she could do much more. She could have called at 4AM, that was the hit marker, but she waited a few just in case there was that supposed friend that got him drunk and perhaps he slept over. But it was now 6:37AM and still nothing. The report was short. Not much to tell, and at that she felt embarrassed. He's not here, home, is all she had. With her diluted laptop she couldn't find anything, but once the girls headed to school and she traveled to work—there—there she could do much more.

She had 4 separate computers. A fully built police scanner, that transfered her ear, with the turn of knob, over to any frequency she wanted. Even those black-ghost frequencies that the drug moving cartel thought they had a clear on. Those too the police had access to, but rarely did they make a move. Why would they, they benefited more in the capture of lesser knowns to make a profit. The separate computers allowed her access to streets, cameras, and of course Google maps for a territorial view of possible movements one may be doing. The computer tower was a floor to ceiling type container. Not much she could understand there other than the large power button that no one could miss.

She had to keep a positive mind set. Car trouble or dead phone battery. Things happen.

"Hello!" The voice on other line said.

"...yes, it's just me and my three daughters. He usually replies instantly. His phone is practically part of his hand. He also has that Bluetooth thing stuck to his ear," Kayla said quietly, careful not to alert the girls. They were barely awake now, getting cereal milk down into their shirts.

Kayla then realized that he would never leave his phone uncharged. His phone is practically part of his hand. Didn't he have one of those battery packs? She thought he did, inside his glove compartment. Enough for 3 full charges. Plus he had a plug in the car.

At least the girls were fine. They had no clue. But not for long. Kayla would have to break the news.

I'll take them for ice cream after school.

Kayla pressed the phone to her ear. The officer said exactly what she predicted. They will first check his job. She already did that, sneaking off at night for a few minutes. His car wasn't there. Kayla knew the police would follow procedure no matter what. No need in telling them no lead would result from that location.

"Expect someone at your home for further questioning," the dispatcher said.

"Of course. Whatever you must do." Kayla looked over her shoulder. Iris was distracting Asiah as if she knew something was wrong. Iris was the oldest. Kayla wouldn't be able to keep it up. She would have to tell them. Kayla was never good at the sweet talks. Bank usually handled that part. Her mother was the same way. She rarely spoke and now she had Alzheimer's. Kayla threw her in a nursing home. It was better than leaving her alone in a house she couldn't maintain. She fumbled the phone at the thought of mom, accidentally hitting buttons to snatch it back up. She couldn't let this happen. Where is he? Her girls without a father—a possibility. This had never crossed her mind. It wasn't a worry she was supposed to have. Sure, it happened to other people. Other parents. Other families. But to her girls?


She jumped at the noise coming from the phone. The phone was on speaker. "You do have to be aware of the possibility that we may not find him and that he may not want to return. These cases are common amongst couples. By no means do I want to offend, but it is something to be mindful of, ma'am."

Asiah shifted to the public conversation. Kayla played her role and smiled back. Assuring her that everything was okay while she poked a finger to get the phone off loudspeaker.

But just then the unexpected happened. Kayla furrowed her brows when Asiah jumped on Iris' back and started shrieking "Daddy is gone!" in a singsong manner.

"Get off me! Get off. You're so heavy!" Iris shook Asiah off. "You just noticed? He'll be back later. He's working," Iris said in a know-it-all tone.

Kayla felt a weight land on her back when she saw Asiah's smile disappear. Was she not happy that Bank would return today? Or ever?

"Okay. Yes. I'll be here." Kayla wouldn't stay. Her office provided what she and the police needed. Their turtle pace was embarrassing.

"Okay girls, ready for school?"

Kayla thought everything was fine now, but then Asiah said, "Daddy's not coming right?"

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