Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next few days were exhausting. Trying to control my power was more difficult than I imagined. The first thing Frigga told me was to not be afraid. I was the master of my power, not the other way around. For the first two days, Frigga used an illusion to be in the room with me, so that I was not afraid to hurt her. I was able to get it under control when there was only an illusion, and not somebody I could hurt.

On the third day, Frigga came into the room like she usually did, but she wasn't an illusion.

"Y/n, you know that you can control it. Do not give into your fear," she said.

I failed. I gave into my fear. Every. Single. Time.

I had just put the limiters back on after losing control for the third time, when Loki entered the room. He smiled warmly at me. I smiled back.

"Mother, Father requests our presence," he said to Frigga.

Frigga smiled at me.

"Well, I suppose this brings today's lesson to a close," she said.

I nodded and followed her out of the room. Astrid and Thyra waited for me outside the doors and started leading me to my chambers. I looked out of windows as we passed them. I spotted Sif and the warriors three training.

"Uh... Astrid? Thyra?"

They both stopped and turned to look at me.

"Can we go down there?" I asked, pointing at the warriors through the window.

The maids nodded and led me towards the training grounds.

"Lady y/n!" Volstagg called as he saw me.

I smiled and waved shyly.

"Would you like to train with us?" Sif asked.

"I'm not sure we fight the same way," I said nervously, looking at the sword in her hand.

She quirked an eyebrow.

"You do not fight with a sword?" she asked.

"I've used a sword a few times, but I usually do hand to hand combat," I replied.

Sif put her sword down.

"Let's train then," she said, raising her fists.

At least I was dressed for it. Frigga said that I didn't need to wear gowns to our training sessions if I felt more comfortable in Midgardian clothing. I looked down at my black yoga pants and tank top. I rolled my shoulders and got into a ready position.

Sif had me pinned down in less than a minute. She was as good as Nat, maybe better. After that she went easy on me. She punched and I dodged. I then decided to use my favourite move. Natasha's thigh grip of death. I wrapped my legs around Sif's neck and pulled her to the ground. She was stunned.

"How did you do that?" she asked me, eyes wide.

I took her through the steps and eventually she was able to do it as well. When we were sweaty and tired, we decided to call a break. Hogun handed me a towel which I accepted gratefully.

"Word is that you have powers," Fandral said to me as we walked back to the palace.

"Yeah, I do," I replied.

The rest of the warriors looked at me curiously.

"Is that what you needed help for?" Volstagg asked me.

"Yeah," I replied.

They didn't pressure me into answering anything, which I was grateful for. I was exhausted from the training and didn't want to speak to anyone. We parted ways after a while. I found my room after getting lost only once. When I entered, I stood in the centre of my room, rolling my shoulders. My muscles were all aching. A hot bath sounded like heaven at the moment. As if I'd summoned them with my mind, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to reveal Thyra and Astrid.

"Would you like us to draw up a bath?" Astrid asked.

I nodded eagerly, ready to relax. Once the bath was ready, I slipped out of my clothes and stepped in the water. I sighed as I sat down, the hot water easing my muscles. I made sure that the limiters were kept out of the water.

I lifted up a hand and watched as flame danced through my fingertips. Why couldn't I control it without the limiters? This felt so natural. I sighed as the flame fizzled out.

After a while, once the water got cold, I got out of the bath and into a green silk robe with gold accents. I sat on my couch, reading my book, when there was a knock at the door. It opened to reveal Loki with a bunch of roses.

Smiling, I stood up and ran over to hug him.

"Who gave you those?" I asked jokingly, referring to the flowers.

He just laughed and kissed me. I kissed him back, running my fingers through his hair. He pulled back and I pouted. He laughed again.

"Are you ready for dinner with my family?" he asked.

I sighed and nodded.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said.

He kissed my forehead.

"What are you going to wear?" he asked.

"I was thinking a f/c gown," I said absentmindedly.

Loki hummed and nodded. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"I love you," he murmured.

"I love you too," I replied, resting my head against his chest.


Wow 1.8k reads??? Thank you all so much!! This makes me so happy!! I hope you have a spectacular day/night lovelies!!

P.S. Meme isn't mine <3


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