Chapter Eight

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I only noticed that the team had arrived when a red mist encircled Loki and he was thrown across the room. Everyone stood protectively in front of me.

"Loki!" Thor yelled. He walked over to his brother and grabbed him by the collar.

"Wait, wait!" I yelled, pushing past my teammates. "He didn't do anything wrong!"

Everyone looked at me incredulously.

"Didn't do anything wrong? He threw a knife at you!" Pietro exclaimed.

"Because I told him to!" I yelled, standing in front of Loki.

Everyone went silent, looking at me like I'd gone insane.

"He wanted to see my powers," I explained.

"Why would you show the enemy your powers?" Tony said loudly.

"He's not the enemy!" I screamed. "He's here to help us! Thor told us that he was under mind control during the attack! Apparently I'm the only person who cares that he's been making an effort. Even his brother is quick to judge him!"
Thor looked away guiltily and let go of Loki's collar.

"Wanda, Pietro and I were in the same position as he is," I said, quieter. "You were quick to forgive us. We weren't even under mind control. You gave us a second chance, so why can't you give Loki one?"

I finished my rant with a deep breath. Thor was the first one to break the silence.

"I apologise brother," he said. "I should not have judged you."

I thought that Loki would sneer, and tell him to go and shove his apology somewhere unpleasant, but instead he nodded and said, "Apology accepted."

There was silence for a moment, and Loki and I looked at each other.

Thank you, he said into my mind.

I didn't flinch or gasp, as I was used to people – well, just Wanda actually – talking to me telepathically. I nodded and smiled.

"Well," I said, "this has been lovely and all, but I'm really hungry."

Natasha snorted and Tony told FRIDAY to order some pizzas.

"We should apologise, too," Wanda said. "You healed y/n, and we didn't thank you. We are sorry."

Loki nodded at her and stood there with his hands intertwined.

"Well, we got back early enough for girls' night," Nat said.

I immediately perked up, getting excited for some quality girl time.

"Let's go then!" I squealed, running towards the elevator.

Wanda and Natasha followed, the latter chuckling as she walked. We decided to spend girls' night in my room. I texted Tony, telling him to send the pizza up to my room as soon as it came, throwing in a few necessary threats as well.

We had just started playing The Shining when there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door, seeing Pepper and Maria standing there.

"Pep! Maria! It's been so long!" I squealed, pulling them both into a hug.

They entered the room and luckily Pepper had brought snacks. We let them know that there was pizza on the way.

"Braid train time!" I called, and we got into position.

Wanda sat in the front as I braided her hair. Natasha braided my hair, Pepper braided Natasha's, Maria braided Pepper's and Wanda braided Maria's with her powers.

Clint brought the pizza up for us, arriving just after we'd finished braiding our hair.

"You guys wanted a pepperoni, right?" Clint asked.

We all nodded and screeched in outrage as Clint stole a slice and ran off with it. After convincing me that we didn't have to kill him, we continued watching The Shining.

Once the movie was finished, we started talking. Eventually we landed on the topic of relationships and boys.

"Tony and I are going well," Pepper said after she was asked about her relationship.

"What about you Wanda? Got your eye on anyone?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

She blushed and hid her face with her hands, while the rest of us laughed. She mumbled something to quiet for us to hear.

"What was that?" I asked, smirking.

"I like Vision," she said, quietly.

"For how long?" Pepper asked, leaning forwards.

"Well, he saved my life in Sokovia," she said. "I think it started then."

I awed and she elbowed me.

"What about you, y/n?" Natasha asked me.

"I don't really like anyone," I said blushing.

All the other girls shared a knowing look, and I said, "What?"

"We won't judge if you say Loki," Natasha said. "We are giving him a second chance."

"W-what? No, no, no, no, no. I don't like Loki! I barely know him!" I argued.

The girls just nodded sarcastically, causing me to glower.

"Can we talk about something else?" I whined.

The girls laughed, and we talked about anything and everything, enjoying our night free from annoying men.


Thank you for reading! Thank you for 100 reads! I hope you have a great day my lovelies! If you could vote and comment what you think that would be amazeballs!

P.S. Meme is not mine <3

~ LadyLokiLaufeyson

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