Talking in two languages at once??

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Naturally, pretty much everywhere in US, there is a language based or at least a tradition based community ( just a heads up for those who are from UK or wherever else you may live lol).
I'm an atheist but I did go to church for some time before realizing what a shitty place it is. But it's shittiness is not the main point of this rant so I won't discuss it right now. But the people there..mother of Jesus f Christ, I don't know how their parents understand them.. Like, all the children speak a mix of both languages. When I first talked to them I thought they sounded so weird cause English words sound unusual when the next word in the sentence is Russian, you know what I mean?
When I have to switch back and forth between languages, it's like there's a light switch I can flip on and off. If someone speaks English- kapeesh pow hump, I think completely English, you know what I mean? And my light switch never gets stuck in the fucking middle, it's always either up or down. People often ask me in what language I think and this is what I pretty much tell them. But mixing two languages is just so messed up, I tried talking like that and sounded like complete shit. Here's an example of what I mean,

Me: So, you got a pretty fancy house huh?
Person: Aw don't say that, we're not that богатые [bogatiye=rich].
Me: what the actual fuck did you just say

So if you tried talking to some foreigner by putting random foreign words in a sentence that mostly consists of your native language, I can guarantee that the other person either laughed his ass off or looked at you as if you were a retard.

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