suffering won't be her teacher

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"At her fear, Zuko's heart breaks. But he can't fault his little daughter for being so scared of the fire that courses through her veins..."



this is a oneshot i wrote in response to a tumblr prompt i received in my ask box - it's canon compliant, and it's big cute kfjghdkfjgh. i'm a sucker for dadko and momtara, tbh.

please let me know what you think and consider dropping a vote/comment! love you all <3



It's peaceful here. Zuko and Katara sit together on a blanket, positioned carefully on the grass in Ursa's garden. It's been five years now since the silver moon crest found its home in Katara's mass of dark curly hair and only four since their little Izumi entered the world. Little Kya remains nestled in her mother's arms while her big sister plays by the outskirts of the trickling pond, making friends with the turtleducks.

Zuko can no longer even remember a time where he didn't want this - Those days traveling with his uncle after his banishment feel like a lifetime ago, and he and Aang have since ushered in an era of peace to the Four Nations, assisted largely by his lovely wife, Katara, and their friends. Now, he's Fire Lord, the ruler of his nation. Now, he's a husband, his soul sworn to Katara for all eternity. And now, he's a father to two precious little girls, who are children of peace, unlike their parents.

He sighs, whispering softly into his wife's curly hair. She smiles up at him, blue gaze sheltered by a thick curtain of dark lashes.

It happens quicker than either he or Katara are able to prevent. Izumi, waving her arms at the turtleducks, accidentally unleashes a stream of fire that scorches a baby turtleduck's wing. She screams, the frightened turtleducks scattering all over the pond.

They've known since Izumi's conception that she would be a firebender. During her pregnancy, Katara had always run hot, nearing feverish at times. While Zuko was thrilled at the prospect of having a daughter, nothing could've prepared him for this moment, her own discovery of her element. He never expected it to happen this way.

He doesn't need to look to know that Katara's already swept down to the pond, baby in one arm, pressing a glowing hand to the squawking turtleduck's injured wing.

Right now, however, he has eyes only for Izumi. She looks aghast at her mistake, tears welling up in her small eyes as she stumbles blindly away from the pond. He envelops her in his arms as she hides her face in his long robes, crying into his chest.

For a terrifying moment, all Zuko can see in his mind's eye is Azula. Azula, lashing out at helpless turtleducks when she got angry. Azula, taunting him when his firebending awoke within him after hers did. Azula, mocking him when their mother disappeared, leaving her two children alone with their cruel father. Azula, with her mocking golden gaze and penchant for blood. Azula, sobbing erratically when her whole world, built of lies and fear and blood, crumbled to dust beneath her feet.

He shudders. It's hard to miss Izumi's resemblance to her aunt when looking at her. Yes, she has the texture of Katara's curly hair and skin just a shade darker than Zuko's. But the structure of her face and the color of her hair... It's all Azula.

"Daddy, I don't want your fire!" Izumi's quivering voice brings him back to reality. "Daddy, take it back - I don't want your fire. I want Mommy's water!" Another sob rips through her as she shakes in his arms, terrified of the power she possesses.

At her fear, Zuko's heart breaks. But he can't fault his little daughter for being so scared of the fire that courses through her veins... not when it's so wild and untamed... not when it's so dangerous uncontrolled...

Katara watches them carefully, her blue eyes heavy with pain. Somehow, they both knew this day would come. They just hadn't expected it to arrive so soon. Kya squirms in her arms, tiny limbs kicking and reaching down towards the pond, their little waterbender.

"Izumi," Zuko finally whispers, not quite trusting his voice if he speaks out loud.

She sniffles loudly, wiping her eyes and nose against his royal robes. Inwardly, he apologizes to the servants who'll be tasked with cleaning them. "Your fire is scary, Daddy," she cries.

"You're right, Izumi," Zuko rubs circles into her back comfortingly. "The elements - fire, earth, water, and air - are all scary when they're used in ways that are bad. Fire can be scary, Zumi, and as firebenders, it's our responsibility to make sure that we don't hurt anyone while using it." Before he can stop himself, his mind drifts back to a time when he'd said something similar to a young, scared Avatar. "But fire is also a gift." He shifts so that his little girl's still on his lap, curled between his arms. He cups his hands in front of her, calling a tiny wisp of flame. It pulses steadily in his hands, flickering in front of Izumi's transfixed gaze. "Fire is life, Izumi, and we are its protectors, just like the dragons."

"I'm still scared, Daddy," she finally admits, lower lip wobbling uncontrollably. "I don't want to hurt the turtleducks again."

"You won't." Zuko doesn't know if this is a promise he has the power to keep, but Katara nods wordlessly, a comfort to him. "I'll teach you, and Mommy will be here to help you too." He chokes back a cry of his own, thinking about his younger sister and the ways his own parents failed them both. He won't let that happen - not with his own children. "We'll protect our fire together, Zumi."

With the precious simplicity of a child, Izumi accepts the words of her father. "Will you teach me how to juggle fireballs?" Cuddling even closer to him, she mimics the way he's holding his hands, crossing her eyes as she concentrates, bringing a baby flame of her own to life.

At the dark look Katara shoots him, Zuko replies slowly, "Maybe not juggling..." At Izumi's resulting pout, he continues, "I haven't practiced my juggling in forever so I'm not very much good anymore anyways." His girls have him wrapped around their fingers, and they know it.

As Katara sits back down beside them, admiring Izumi's flame and complimenting her on her control, Zuko sweeps Kya onto his other knee, throwing his free arm securely around Katara. No matter what Izumi does and no matter how many mistakes she makes, he swears that he will not be like his father. He'll teach her to protect her flame, the same way that Katara will guide little Kya in her waterbending one day. Their two daughters, along with any other children that have yet to come, have two master benders for parents and will have the benefit of understanding all the elements in order to master their own.

With Katara's head resting on his shoulder and Kya giggling on his knee, he watches Izumi as she preserves her wispy fire on his other side. His heart swells with an overwhelming sense of pride and love for his little daughter, and he swears on Agni, Tui, and La that suffering won't be her teacher. He'll make sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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