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"She doesn't care if he's here. She doesn't care if he's not alone. It's been a year now since they've broken up. She doesn't give a damn about him anymore... right? What a liar he makes her become."



here's my first attempt at writing Zutara! after spending the past five years or so writing Zelink, i've decided that it's time to try out some new characters ;))) after binging ATLA during quarantine, i knew that Zutara was it for me lol.

this is a songfic for "Liar" by Camila Cabello (such a Zutara song honestly)

this'll be a passion project for me, even if no one reads it!!

please let me know what you think and consider dropping a vote/comment! love you all <3



She leans heavily onto her desk, her chin resting on her palm and her wild curly tresses strewn about in almost every direction. Her blue eyes remain thoughtful, but her mind wanders as her professor wraps up his lecture on the ancient myth of the Avatar.

A proud pre-med student, Katara sometimes can't help her unfortunate lack of enthusiasm for her humanities courses. This history course on myths and legends of the ancient world is no exception. She wishes that she were anywhere else but here in this crowded lecture hall.

As though it wasn't hard enough for her to pay attention in this class already, she finds herself having to deal with another distraction beyond her med school aspirations:

Zuko Sozin.

Just the very thought of him causes her to clench her fists, and she accidentally tangles her fingers in a few unlucky strands of dark hair. She doesn't care. She doesn't care a single bit of what he thinks about her.

He's sitting just a few rows away from her, canoodled with his latest fling, Mai. Apparently she was a childhood friend of his. And apparently she'd had a crush on him since they were kids. And apparently she'd been waiting a long time for Zuko to be single and distracted enough to look her way.

As though he can sense her gaze, Zuko glances backward at her, his golden eyes searching her face. When she stubbornly doesn't pay him any mind, he turns back to Mai, whispering something into her ear. From the blush that spreads across Mai's cheeks, Katara doesn't even want to think about what Zuko could've possibly said to her.

Katara retrains her focus, attempting to hone in on what her professor is lecturing on. Grappling for her tablet and stylus, she tries to scribble down some notes, remembering that she has a final for this class just a month away. She won't let him take this away from her; med school is all she's ever dreamed about for years, and Zuko Sozin is the last person who'll take that away from her.

As her professor breaks down the basic logic behind the Avatar cycle, she recalls the last time she spoke with Zuko, her stylus coming to a halt on her screen.

She'd been so coy about it. She really thought that she wouldn't miss him. But she does.

Every damn day.

She still remembers the way his voice sounds when he rasps her name. The way he always whispered in her ear during class, wanting to hear her laugh. The way he would take her to his uncle's teashop whenever she was feeling stressed about finals season. The way he'd wrap his arms around her and swear he'd always keep her warm.

The lecture ends, and Katara packs up her things, slipping on her heavy winter parka and attempting to shrug off thoughts of Zuko. Why would she need him to keep her warm when she has her trusty Southern Water Tribe parka? Huffing, she slings her bag over her shoulder, keeping her chin held up high as she walks toward the door.

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