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[A/N: It's finally here! The final chapter! Thanks for supporting me through this. Thank you above all for being patient. I put a lot of effort into this one since you've all been saying such sweet things about BOTWG lately...

In honour of this ending I've made a new cover, bew slides and changed all the chapter fanart so you guys can go back and check them out—Tumblr has such nice stuffs😭. There is also a bonus chapter after this...

I won't delay anything any further....See the ending note for some important announcements...]



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They'd arrived back in Neji's abode, the hallways were eerily empty since Neji had dismissed all the staff for the day just before they'd left. Hanabi wasn't around either since she'd been visiting Hinata.

Neji was torn. He didn't know if he should speak up to comfort her or if his voice would only upset her further.

In the end he decided to speak, knowing that he'd regret it less to.

After all one always regrets the things they didn't do—the opportunities they were to afraid to take a hold of—more as opposed to the things they were bold enough to do.

"Tenten I—" he wanted to apologize. To apologize for putting her through such pains. There was a reason the "brides" before her were never sent back home. It only due to Neji's divine interference that the villagers hadn't caught wind of them.

The words lodged themselves in his throat. He sputtered and failed.

"Thank you," she said, "Thank you for taking me. Even though it wasn't my favourite memory of my family it'll remain immortalized in my heart. I'm glad I was able to say good bye properly."

She turned to him and smiled. God or not Neji was star struck. It was the first time she'd legitimately smiled at him directly.

The warm, fuzzy feeling it'd created in his heart was enough to make him fully commit himself to making it a daily occurrence.

In order to not look like a love-struck fool, he cleared his throat and spoke hoping that he sounded as serious as he usually was, "I'm glad it made you happy."

Her eyes softened and her smile deepened.

"You were right though," he continued, "I shouldn't have gone things would've g—"

Her smile faded and she took both of her hands and placed them on Neji's cheeks pulling him down to look at her.

"Listen you didn't do anything wrong. They—my family is just like that. Logical and practical to a fault...I am too...Give them some time and they'll come around.

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