Chapter 7 | "...happiness I'll find..."

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[A/N: Sorry for the wait here it is. Tbh I'm still not 100% happy with this chapter and it's quite an important one so I might rewrite/revise it sometime, I just didn't want to keep everyone waiting too long. I've been having a bad case of writer's block these days. All I feel like doing is watching anime, I can't even bring myself to read let alone write. So this feels a bit forced. Needless to say that once my projects were over all I'd been doing was binging Gintama and Saiki K.

I'm strongly thinking of switching back to monthly updates due to chapter content becoming more demanding as we reach the climax. There are only about 11 chapters in four more to go.]



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She didn't know what to think. All she did was follow after Neji.

His grip on her wrist─while gentle in actuality─felt like a searing brand in her mind.

The mark at the base of her throat pulsed.
She felt sick.

She had just saced her man who was partly responsible for her death. The man who had sent 15 girls to their deaths, had devastated their village, their country─all for what, his pickiness?

She had saved him, fought for him abd gus cousin, had found attractive for even a second. He sickened. She felt angry, bitter, disappointed even.

As much as she wanted to rip free of his grip and put as much distance between them as possible─she refrained from doing so.

There was something─a sense of deeply, distressing nervousness that was so intense it was palpable.

The brown-haired boy who'd addressed the Water God earlier lead the procession. Tenten was dragged along and Hanabi followed closely. They were flanked on either side by sentries in golden robes and armor.

As soon as they stepped outside, they abruptly stopped.

The blue-scarfed boy pulled out some talisman from with his elegantly patterned cream robes.

The piece of paper was thrown into the air and from it burst streams of wind and crackles of energy.

The sky itself seemed to tear itself into two giving birth to rays of golden light from inside the dark void. Tenten golden see what was beyond the portal, the was only blinding light.

She was pulled into the portal. The disorientation she felt at first didn't last long and was replaced by a warm fuzzy feeling.

As she took in their surroundings she was wonderstruck. They seemed to be on an island that was surrounded not by water but a sea of clouds. The water was perfectly calm in comparison to the storm that had started to brew above the water god's abode.

Before them was a castle that trumped the size of Neji's dwelling four times over.

Crisp well-kempt gardens of green and crystalline cascading fountains like were comparable to lakes and forests in size respectively were sprawled all around them.

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