The Final Wreck-ening (Mike ending)

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[ Just a friendly reminder that you (the reader) can choose how you look like. The drawing up above is just a drawing I wanted to do for this story. ]

/ Mal's POV /

"Good luck, Y/n! You're gonna need it! Ha ha ha"!

Chris:" On your mark, get set, go"!
(Air horn blasts)

I run up to the first moat with Heather and Alejandro.

I look over to Heather.

"How are you good at floating"?

Heather:" What"?

I pick up Heather.


"Just stop fighting it".

Alejandro:" Stop! I've got a way across! We can pole vault"!

I drop Heather.

Chris:" Y/n has crossed the first moat. Y/n is in the lead. Y/n. Winning"!

"Not for long".

I take the pole Alejandro has and pole vault to the other side. As soon as I landed, I lost balance and was about to fall in.

Y/n:" Mal"!

I got my balance back and fell on the floor.

Heather:" How do we get across "?

"I'm not here to help you, you're here to help me! Figure it out"!

Alejandro:" Such big anger for a little man".

Chris:" Welcome to level two. All tied, no one's died. Yawn! Let's go people"!

[ Inside Mike's brain]

Mike, Svetlana, Chester, Vito, and Manitoba reach the top of the tower.

Mike:" Oh come on! We came all this way for a lousy button"?!

Chester:" It's a reset button, ya ninny"

Mike:" Wha? What does it do"?

Chester:" resets your noggin! Push it, then poof! You're just you again. Just Mike".

Vito:" Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Chester, what happens to us"?!

Mike:" Yeah. What happens to you guys"?

Chester:" What part of "poof" don't you understand"?

[Outside of Mike's brain]

I pick up Cameron and throw him back down to the first level

Y/n was using the ladder to get across but It got on fire.

Gwen:" Hurry"!

Y/n made it to the other side.

Gwen:"Jerk! Agh"!

I grabbed Gwen's hand before she got to slap me.


Y/n:" No"!

With that I threw Gwen on top of Cameron.

I look at Y/n.

"I'm coming for you next"!

Y/n yelps while I laugh wickedly.

I look down and grab the pogo stick.

"A pogo stick? Seriously"?!

Chris:" Keep in mind, not all of these items were tested for safety. And by "not all" I mean none".

Chris:" Y/n makes it to level 3".

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