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Mattresses and bedsheets were laid down the floor as the students were getting ready to sleep. The sound of the crickets' chirp coming from outside dominates the silent of the night. They all settled down, going to sleep with the lights remaining on.

Just when the students thought that the night will calmly pass without anything weird happening, all of the lights in the room turned off. Fear rose deep within them, some of the students began stretching their arms to ensure that they are not alone in the dark room.

All of their heavy breath can be heard, their wide eyes roam around the room anxiously, trying to see through the dark. The crickets' chirp began to sound loudly every single seconds passed, making the students go insane.

"Don't panic, remember, panicking is a bad option when it comes to this situation" A student tried to calm his classmates, but he can't hide the fact that he is also feeling scared with his trembling voice.

It's right, they should not panic. They should be already used to this kind of situation. They spend almost of their days witnessing one of their classmates dying, how could they not become used to it?

The fear that the students were feeling suddenly disappeared as soon as the lights in the room turned back on. Even though they are experiencing the feeling of joy, they can't fully express it as they are still in shock of what happened.

Seems like their happiness is bond to not last long as all of their eyes traveled down the lifeless body laying on the floor not far away from the now open door.

They don't have the time to react when the sound of a car's honk can be heard outside, making all of the students flinched in surprise.

Even if they want to know what is going on outside, they can't. The room they are staying in has only 4 white walls, a door, and a bed, no windows for them to be able to look outside.

No one tried to spoke, they stared with one another, as if speaking through their eyes, afraid that once they open their mouth, someone will hear them.


The sound of the shoes clicking on the wooden floor made the students eyes widen in fear. They brought their hands up to cover their mouth, a smart way to prevent any noises come out of their mouth.

Fear took over their senses that they forgot to close their room door. They stared at the open door, eyes wide and breath held in anticipation.

All students are sharing only one room, doesn't want to be separated from the others. That is also their strategy to make it difficult for the person who wants to kill them.

The sound of the shoes clicking become louder and louder, it means that the person is coming nearer. Everyone hold their breath as they saw a shadow at the door frame.

Some of the students walked up near the door, holding a piece of wood, waiting for the right opportunity to catch the intruder.

The leg of the person wearing a black shoes step his foot inside the room, but before he could even walk more further inside the room, he went flying as the students hit him with the wood.

Looking to see who was the intruder, all of the students got up and stared at the unconscious man laying in front of the door. Students face palmed and groan as they realized that the man they had hit with a wood is one of their classmates


They all looked back...

Where one of their classmates stuck to the wall with sharp knifes holding him firm.
There is also something written on the wall, using blood...

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