Chapter 17

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Seokjin's POV

"Where's Ken and the others?" I asked emotionless, getting out of Taehyung's embrace

I glared at them when they didn't answer my question

"I asked... Where's Ken and the others!" I shouted, they didn't even flinch... I scoffed

"Jin calm down—" I glared at Yoongi hyung, making him stop. I can't believe he's one of them

"How can I calm down when I'm surrounded by murderers?!" I heard their breath hitched. Taehyung held my wrist tightly

Silence lingers around the room until Namjoon came inside the room... "You too?" I whispered in disbelief

He looked and me and cleared his throat before speaking "Some of the students are already back to normal" My face lit up, knowing that they are still alive

Without any other words, they started to walk outside the room. Taehyung grab my hands and pulled me to follow him

When we got outside, I met an familiar hallway. They didn't utter a single word and just silently walking

I little bit of hope rise up inside me when we bumped into the caretaker with her son. I gave her a pleading look but she avoided my eyes and bowed down to Taehyung and the others before walking pass us

What? She's one of them too?!

We continued walking, I started to hear some faint voices coming from the room in the end of the hallway

I wanted to run towards the room but I can't because of Taehyung's tight grip on my wrist

When we reached the room, Namjoon opened the door, revealing all of the students sitting on the cold floor.

Some of them have their eyes open but not moving, like they are asleep but eyes are open. And some are already wide awake, fear can be trace in their eyes

"No! Go away!"

"Don't kill us!"

"What did we do wrong to deserve this?"

"Yeah, what did we do?" I whispered, my eyes were glued to the floor

I was about to space out when Taehyung pulled me inside the room. I roam my eyes around the room finding my best friend, only to find him laying down the floor with his eyes open but it's not moving

Taehyung let go of my hands as I quickly run towards Ken. His face was pale and he's sweating a lot

"What happened to them?" I asked, I laid Ken's head down to my lap

"Don't worry, they'll be awake soon" Jimin said while looking worriedly at us

"What the hell happened to them— to us?!" I can't help but to shout. Jimin sigh and lower his head

"They are under my illusion... They are still under my illusion because they still didn't able finish the riddle" I looked at Jimin confused


"My illusion will end when they finish the two riddles..." He added, making some of the student gasp

"Y-you know illusion?" Female student asked in disbelief

"Are you some kind of witch?!" The other student asked, making Jimin giggle cutely. He doesn't look like a person that can kill

Looks can be really deceiving huh?

"Come on, we'll discuss some things" Taehyung butt in as he quickly walked outside the room

"I'll explain everything later ok?" Jimin shouted as he run and followed the other investigators— is it right to call them that? Even if I know that they've fooled us and make us think they are here to protect us?

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